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2차관, FEALAC 외교장관회의(2019.11.9) 세션2 발언문


Remarks by H.E. Amb. Lee Taeho

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

at the Second Session of the 9th FEALAC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

Santo Domingo, November 9, 2019


Thank you, Mr. Co-Chair.


I welcome the two insightful presentations made by UN ESCAP and ECLAC on the researches on reducing inequality and developing economic connectivity. The outcomes of these first inter-regional projects funded by FEALAC are expected to provide meaningful overviews on the pressing concerns that we face today and some practical tools to address these challenges.


As the projects are still underway and will not likely be completed until the early part of 2021 if my understanding is correct, I believe it is important for UN ESCAP and ECLAC to engage member countries in the process even before the completion of the projects. The successful completion and subsequent implementation of these first projects will be a touchstone to determine how we as an inter-continental group can make a practical difference for the welfare of our peoples and, therefore, the UN Commissions should actively interact with member countries during the process of conducting their researches in order for the outcome of their studies to be relevant.


As you are well aware, there are myriad numbers of research papers stored in the library, yet were not practical enough in the field. Conditions and the reality that potential beneficiaries of the studies face should be carefully considered. This is even more so in the case of FEALAC, where 36 members have distinct and diverse needs. 


In this regard, I cannot overemphasize the importance of the two Commissions consideration of involding government policy makers and other stakeholders into their research process, by holding, for example, capacity-building seminars on economic connectivity and inequality on the margins of the upcoming FEALAC meetings next year. The need for such an event was also underlined at the FEALAC TITM Seminar on Trade and SMEs co-hosted by Korea and Argentina in Seoul this September. At the seminar, participants concurred on the need to provide support for SMEs in their pursuit of inclusive economic growth, stressing that it will in turn lead to reduce inequality and facilitate connectivity. In this sense, capacity-building seminars organized by the two Commissions on the two themes would serve as an excellent complementary exercise to the on-going researches on these two challenges by incorporating the views of government policy makers and other various stakeholders in their studies.


Mr. Co-chair,


The two studies were made possible through the financing of the FEALAC Fund, as we all know. The Fund established last year realized our long-aspired dream of having our own sustainable funding mechanism. I believe it is imperative that we further garner the political will to scale up the FEALAC Trust Fund through more active participation and financial contributions by members. 


The two projects have indeed brought members closer together in cooperating on areas of shared interest. Yet still only seven member countries are playing a decision-making role in charting the path that the Fund travels. To ensure that the Fund has even greater relevance, I would urge a greater number of members to serve on the Steering Committee for the Fund.


For its part, as a key donor member of the Steering Committee, Korea will continue to play a leading role for the success of the Fund. I look forward to our collective efforts indeed yielding great fruit on the path ahead. Thank you. /End/

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