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한미 북핵 수석대표 협의(8.23.) 모두발언 및 기자회견 내용


(노규덕 한반도평화교섭본부장)

□ 모두발언

ㅇ SR Kim, it’s great to see you in Seoul. While this pandemic situation continues to heavily influence our work, I am very grateful you made this trip again after you visited Seoul just two months ago.

ㅇ This meeting takes place at a very important time. Lately the situation around the Korean Peninsula has been rather sensitive, and the international situation is also volatile. As two senior officials in charge of the North Korean nuclear issue, our in-person meeting today is both timely and meaningful.

ㅇ The ROK and the US have been closely coordinating our approaches toward the DPRK, as our two leaders agreed in May, to advance our shared goal of complete denuclearization and the establishment of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula.

ㅇ SR Kim and I have maintained close communication available 24/7. Our Foreign Ministers and Vice Ministers also had a series of in-depth discussions recently.

ㅇ During these consultations, our two countries shared the view that we need to break the status quo and make progress. We have also discussed in detail how we can engage the DPRK to this end. 

ㅇ I look forward to a fruitful discussion today on flexible and creative ways to advance the Korean Peninsula peace process.

□ 기자회견

ㅇ 오늘 Kim 대표와 저는 한반도 평화프로세스를 진전시켜 나가기 위하여 북한을 관여하는데 필요한 다양한 방안에 대해서 논의했음.

ㅇ 한미 양국은 남북 통신선 복원, 한미 연합훈련 진행 등 상황을 예의주시하면서, 한반도 상황을 안정적으로 관리하는 가운데 대화가 조속히 재개될 수 있도록 함께 노력해 나가기로 하였음.

ㅇ 특히, 한미 양국은 보건 및 감염병 방역, 식수 및 위생 등 가능한 분야에서 북한과의 인도적 협력 방안을 논의하고, 국제기구 및 비정부기구를 통한 대북 인도적 지원 방안에 대해서도 논의하였음.
ㅇ 한미는 앞으로도 긴밀한 공조를 지속 유지하기 위하여, 가까운 시일내 북핵 수석대표 협의 등 각급에서의 협의를 지속해 나가기로 하였음.  끝.

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