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Press Releases

4th Korea-Russia Arctic Consultation Takes Place


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held the 4th Korea-Russia Arctic Consultation in Moscow on November 19, 2020 (local time).

° The Korea-Russia Arctic Consultation, annually held in the two countries on a rotational basis pursuant to the agreement reached during the bilateral summit in September 2017, took place for the fourth time this year, becoming a significant platform for bilateral discussions on Arctic cooperation.

° The two countries have been carrying out exchanges in various areas, including the Northern Sea Route, shipbuilding and Arctic science, and the ROK is making efforts to expand cooperation with Russia, the next chair of the Arctic Council in 2021-2023, and to strengthen the ROK’s engagement in the Arctic.

2. The heads of delegation of the two countries noted that access to the Arctic is increasing and the global importance of the region is also heightened due to climate change and the development of science and technology, but such opportunities are accompanied by growing challenges, such as geopolitical tensions and response to climate change. They discussed ways for bilateral cooperation for a peaceful and sustainable development of the Arctic.

3. As one of the discussions of the Consultation, the Russian side shared its plan to construct at a remote Arctic location a “Snowflake,” an environment-friendly Arctic station that is operated by hydrogen energy produced with solar and wind power, as a project of the Arctic Council. As the Russian side expressed hope to work with the ROK in such areas as the production of new and renewable energy and green hydrogen, the two sides agreed to review ways for cooperation based on concrete plans on the project.

° If the ROK participates in the project, it is expected to enhance the Korea-Russia cooperation on science and technology as well as the ROK’s standing in the Arctic Council as a country that contributes to the environment-friendly and sustainable development of the Arctic.

4. The heads of delegation of the ROK and Russia celebrated the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the bilateral diplomatic relations, drew a common understanding that the bilateral relations would advance further through Arctic cooperation, and agreed to consult closely in the future.