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ROK Attends International Video Conference on Peace Process in Afghanistan


1. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Kim Young-chae attended as delegate of the government of the Republic of Korea the international video conference on peace process in Afghanistan, which was hosted by the Office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on July 9 to discuss ways to strengthen consensus for peace in the country.

° The conference brought together delegates from 11 major countries that are taking an active part in the international community’s peacebuilding efforts in Afghanistan along with President Ghani, Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation Abdullah, and Acting Minister-Designate of Foreign Affairs Atmar from Afghanistan, as well as representatives from 4 international organizations.

2. The participants took note of the progress made to date by the international community for stability and development of Afghanistan and exchanged various views on the country’s way forward as well as challenges to overcome.

° The participants expressed concern that the Taliban’s terrorist acts against the Afghan National Security Forces persist, even as the Forces face numerous difficulties under the COVID-10 pandemic, and urged the Taliban to stop violent acts and engage in peace negotiations as soon as possible.

° The ROK delegate, Special Representative Kim Young-chae, introduced the ROK government’s activities in support of Afghan peacebuilding efforts, stressing that the intra-Afghan peace process should be headed to where our common values such as inclusive and accountable governance, and protection of rights of minorities including women and children stand.

3. Although the “Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan” was signed between the United States and the Taliban in February 2020, the Afghan peace process has yet to move forward. Under such circumstances, the conference served as an opportunity for the international community to reaffirm its support for peace and stability in Afghanistan.

4. The ROK, together with the international community, will continue efforts to build peace and prosperity in Afghanistan and its surrounding region.