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Video Conference between Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs and Secretary of State of Romanian Foreign Ministry


1. Mr. Kim Gunn, Deputy Minister for Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, had a video conference with Mr. Cornel Feruţă, Secretary of State for Global Affairs and Diplomatic Strategies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, on the afternoon of June 23. The two sides took note of cooperation in the course of overcoming COVID-19 and discussed ways to expand post-COVID-19 cooperation.


2. Deputy Minister Kim and Secretary of State Feruţă noted with appreciation that both the Republic of Korea and Romania have been exerting efforts to respond to COVID-19 with vigilance in order to prevent its second wave. They agreed to make efforts for the governments of the two countries to continue working together as they had done so on medical equipment at the initial stages of the COVID-19 outbreak.


3. The two sides welcomed the fact that, with this year marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between the two countries, the Presidents had exchanged celebratory letters on March 30, the anniversary day. They also voiced hope that the “strategic partnership” between the two countries would deepen further through closer, post-COVID-19 cooperation.


° Deputy Minister Kim noted that, despite the COVID-19 outbreak, trade between the two countries has steadily increased, and particularly took note of the staggering 14.7% growth in 2019 compared to the year before as a positive sign for expanding economic cooperation between the two countries. He went on to express hope that, as there is a great potential for a further growth in the overall trade volume, the two countries would make long-term efforts to fulfill that potential.


° Secretary of State Feruţă, welcoming Korean companies’ investment in Romania, expressed hope that economic cooperation between the two countries would be further boosted. He also conveyed hope that bilateral diplomatic activities, which have been somewhat delayed due to COVID-19, would be normalized at an early date.


4. The conference is seen to have served as an opportunity to review the progress in cooperation between the two countries amid the COVID-19 situation and to discuss ways to seek close cooperation in a wider range of areas in the future.