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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

Outcome of Video Conference between Foreign Ministers of ROK and India


1. Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang, Kyung-wha had a video conference with Minister of External Affairs of the Republic of India Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on the evening of May 19, and exchanged views on ways for bilateral and multilateral cooperation on COVID-19 as well as the way forward for bilateral relations.


2. Ministers Kang and Jaishankar shared information on the COVID-19 situations and response measures in the two countries, and noted with appreciation that the two countries have been closely cooperating on COVID-19 response in various forms, including supporting the repatriation of their nationals abroad, exporting test kits, and holding consultations among seven countries in the region.


o Minister Kang, recalling that this year is a meaningful one which marks the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War, expressed hope that the face masks supported by the government of the Republic of Korea for Indian troops who fought in the Korean War and their families will convey the ROK’s gratitude.


o Minister Jaishankar introduced India’s efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the country, including the use of an application to trace confirmed COVID-19 cases and contacts. Minister Kang recognized the importance of digital infrastructure to respond to the virus, and offered to continue to closely share experiences and information with each other.


o Minister Kang expressed appreciation to India for actively cooperating on and supporting the smooth repatriation of Korean nationals in India even amid the lockdown, and voiced hope that the two countries will continue working together in bringing home their nationals abroad.


3. In addition, the two Ministers shared the view that not only bilateral cooperation between the ROK and India but also global solidarity and collaboration are essential to overcome the unprecedented crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, and agreed to continue to strengthen global cooperation on COVID-19 response through multilateral consultative forums, including the WHO.


4. Minister Kang offered to expedite bilateral cooperation in various areas, including diplomacy, security, and economic affairs, as soon as the COVID-19 situation stabilizes, and asked for India’s cooperation and support to grant exceptions to Korean nationals with an urgent need to visit India even under the current circumstances.


o Minister Jaishankar hoped that Korean companies will be able to continue their economic activities in India, and offered to continue close communication and consultations between the governments of the two countries on measures that ensure the continuation of essential economic activities, while upholding the principles of disease control to prevent the spread of COVID-19.