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4th ROK-Indonesia Integrated ODA Policy Dialogue Takes Place


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea (ROK), together with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Korea International Cooperation Agency and the Export-Import Bank of Korea, held the 4th ROK-Indonesia Integrated ODA Policy Dialogue in Jakarta, the Republic of Indonesia, on August 29, 2019 (head of the ROK delegation: Director-General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Oh Hyun-joo, head of the Indonesian delegation: Deputy Minister for Development Funding Affairs, Ministry of National Development Funding (BAPPENAS) Leonard Tampubolon).


2. As Indonesia is one of the ROK’s 24 priority partner countries in the area of official development assistance (ODA) and a key partner for the New Southern Policy -- the ROK’s main foreign policy -- as well as its special strategic partner, the two countries have so far held four ODA Integrated Policy Dialogues and have discussed the progress in the implementation of development cooperation projects in the form of grants and concessional loans as well as future plans.


3. In the meeting, the two sides discussed ODA policies and strategies; the progress in the development cooperation in the form of grants and concessional loans as well as future plans with Indonesia; and current issues related to specific projects. Through the discussions, the two sides explored ways to contribute to the more integrated, systematic and effective implementation of development cooperation between the ROK government and the Indonesian government and to implement the New Southern Policy as well as Indonesia’s National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2020-2024).


The discussion is expected to help enhance not only integrated implementation of grant aid, which is one of the ROK government’s Policy Tasks, but also identification and implementation of ODA programs as well as projects to support the New Southern Policy.


4. The meeting, which followed the 3rd Joint Commission Meeting between ROK and Indonesia (April 8, 2019) and the ROK-Indonesia Summit (June 28, 2019), is seen to have contributed to the implementation of the New Southern Policy through development cooperation and the improvement of bilateral relations between the two countries.