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Press Releases

Outcome of ROK-Japan Foreign Ministerial Meeting Held on Sept. 11


1. During her visit to Hanoi, the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, for the World Economic Forum (WEF) on ASEAN 2018 under way from September 11 to 13, Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Kyung-wha held a Republic of Korea-Japan foreign ministerial meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Taro Kono on September 11.


2. Minister Kang explained recent developments in the inter-Korean relations, including the outcome of the visit to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea by special envoys of the ROK and the plan to hold the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit Pyeongyang. She went on to underscore the importance of the ROK-Japan coordination in seeking progress toward denuclearization and the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula.


° Minister Kono, taking note of the ongoing close coordination between the ROK and Japan on Korean Peninsula issues, particularly extended appreciation to the ROK government for its communication efforts, including through Suh hoon, the head of the National Intelligence Service who had visited Japan and given a relevant explanation to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on September 9.


° The two Ministers exchanged in-depth views on ways to achieve progress toward denuclearization and the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula, and agreed to further step up strategic communication between the two countries.


3. Minister Kang extended sympathy over the damage from the typhoon in Osaka and earthquakes in Hokkaido, in response to which Minister Kono expressed appreciation.


4. The two Ministers noted with appreciation ongoing robust exchanges and communication between the two countries at various levels, including the talks held between Prime Ministers Lee Nak-yon and Shinzo Abe in Vladivostok on September 11. Minister Kono voiced hope that President Moon Jae-in will visit Japan as soon as possible.


5. The two Ministers agreed to fully use the 20th anniversary of the “Kim Dae-jung-Obuchi Joint Declaration,” which falls on October 8, as an opportunity to continue consultations to seek specific ways to work together in diverse sectors.


° In particular, Minister Kono, bringing attention to the plan of the Japanese “advisory panel of experts” for boosting cultural and people-to-people exchanges between the ROK and Japan to wrap up its discussions and announce results in early October, suggested that the two countries continue consultations to develop desirable ways to work together in the field.


- The ROK Ministry  of Foreign Affairs launched in May 2018 "a task force for boosting cultural and people-to-people exchanges with Japan," which issued its outcome report in August 2018.


- The “advisory panel of experts on promotion of cultural and people-to-people exchanges,” formed by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in July 2018, is still holding discussions.


6. With regard to the “comfort women” issue, the two Ministers articulated the positions of their respective countries.



* unofficial translation