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Press Releases

ROK Government Decides to Provide US$500,000 in Humanitarian Aid to DR Congo through WHO to Help it Respond to Ebola Outbreak


1. The government of the Republic of Korea will provide US$500,000 in humanitarian aid to the Democratic Republic of the Congo through the World Health Organization (WHO) to help the DRC respond to the Ebola virus that broke out in the country’s North Kivu Province in early August.


o The WHO announced that as of August 20, a total of 102 Ebola virus disease cases, including 59 deaths, had been reported.

Of the 102 cases, 75 are confirmed and 27 are probable.


2. The latest Ebola outbreak occurred about one month after the Ebola outbreak that began in the DRC’s Equateur Province in May ended. The aid from the ROK government will be used for the WHO’s activities to respond to the Ebola virus in accordance with the “National Plan for the Response to the Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic in North Kivu Province,” devised by the DRC and international organizations, including the WHO.


3. The ROK government dispatched the Korea Disaster Relief Team to respond to the Ebola virus that broke out in West Africa in 2014, and donated US$1 million this year to the WHO’s Contingency Fund for Emergencies, established to immediately respond to global health crises, such as the Ebola epidemic. The government will continue to join the international community’s efforts to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, including Ebola.



* unofficial translation