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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

Outcome of Foreign Minister’s Telephone Conversation with her US Counterpart


1. Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha held a telephone conversation with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of the US on June 29. Over the phone, the two top diplomats shared with each other the recent developments regarding the Korean Peninsula, including the progress in the preparations for US-North Korea follow-up consultations; and fine-tuned strategies toward a complete denuclearization and a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.


° Minister Kang informed Secretary Pompeo of the outcome of the recent Republic of Korea-Russia summit talks and inter-Korean meetings in diverse areas as well as other progress in inter-Korean relations. Meanwhile, the Secretary shared with the Minister the US initiative regarding the preparations for US-North Korea follow-up negotiations, and other relevant developments. The two top diplomats discussed in depth specific strategies for a faithful implementation of the measures agreed upon at the inter-Korean and US-North Korea summit talks.


° The Minister and the Secretary, both calling the current point in time very significant in working toward the denuclearization, agreed to hold close high- and working-level consultations before and after US-North Korea follow-up negotiations in a bid to seek ways to respond to the outcome of those negotiations and other future situations; and coordinated their schedules for those consultations.

2. The fourth telephone consultation between the Minister and the Secretary since the US-North Korea summit meeting held on June 12 served as a significant opportunity to extensively discuss ways to prepare for US-North Korea follow-up negotiations through the ironclad ROK-US coordination, as well as possible next strategies.



* unofficial translation