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Vice Foreign Minister Holds 6th ROK-Russia Strategic Dialogue


1. Vice Foreign Minister Lim Sung-nam, together with Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Titov of Russia, held the sixth Republic of Korea-Russia strategic dialogue on June 1, during which the two senior diplomats extensively discussed the bilateral relations, the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and ways to work together at the UN and other international organizations.


The ROK-Russia strategic dialogue, a consultative channel between vice foreign minister-level officials of the two countries set up in September 2008, has been held a total of five times in Seoul and Moscow on a rotational basis, including the inaugural round in Seoul in December 2008.


2. The two sides noted with appreciation that the two countries have been seeing the bilateral relations advance rapidly based on the friendship and trust built between the Presidents through close summit exchanges -- the two meetings and three telephone conversations -- since the launch of the Moon Jae-in government in May 2017. They agreed to put in high gear high-level consultative channels in various sectors, including political affairs, economy and culture, and to continue working closely with each other therein.


° Deputy Minister Titov, citing the bilateral policy consultation and the meeting of the Far East and Siberia Subcommittee held in Moscow in May as well as the sixth vice ministerial strategic dialogue, expressed satisfaction with ongoing robust communication between the two countries through high-level consultative mechanisms.


The summit-level ROK-Russia exchanges in 2017 were the telephone conversation in May to congratulate President Putin on his inauguration; the meeting in Hamburg in July on the sidelines of a G20 summit; the telephone conversation regarding North Korea’s sixth nuclear test and the ROK President’s visit to Russia for the third Eastern Economic Forum in September; and the meeting between President Moon and Prime Minister Medvedev in November on the sidelines of an East Asia Summit meeting.


The ROK and Russian Presidents discussed over the phone on April 29, 2018, the outcome of the inter-Korean summit meeting held two days before.


3. With the year 2020 set to mark the 30th anniversary of the ROK-Russia diplomatic relations, the two sides agreed to work together to usher in an era where the two countries will record $30 bln in trade and see 1 mln people engaging in exchanges; and to consult closely with each other to arrange various celebratory events that civilians and the governments of the two countries can and will participate in.


4. Vice Minister Lim shared with his Russian counterpart the outcome of the inter-Korean summit talks on April 27 and May 26 as well as progress in the implementation of the Panmunjeom Declaration. Deputy Minister Titov spoke of Russia’s hope that the forthcoming US-North Koreas summit meeting would be successful and contribute to the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula, as well as its hope for further close cooperation with the ROK to that end.


° The Deputy Minister added that during his visit to North Korea on May 31, (Foreign) Minister Lavrov delivered to Chairman Kim Jong-un (of the Workers’ Party of {North} Korea) the (Russian President’s) letter of invitation to Russia and that Russia intends to contribute to efforts to foster a mood of peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and in entire Northeast Asia.


5. The two sides also discussed ways to work together at the UN and other international organizations, and exchanged in-depth views on major regional issues.


6. In the wake of the strategic dialogue, Deputy Minister Titov paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha, during which he shared with the Minister the outcome of Minister Lavrov’s visit to North Korea and relayed (Russia’s) willingness to further step up strategic communication and cooperation with the ROK toward the denuclearization, peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula. Minister Kang, sending regards to Minister Lavrov, suggested that the ROK and Russia work closely together to make a success of the upcoming US-North Korea summit talks and thereby to build peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.


7. The ROK-Russia strategic dialogue served as an opportunity to discuss in depth the way forward for the bilateral relations as well as issues concerning the Korean Peninsula and other matters of mutual concern. As such, it is expected to contribute to the efforts to bolster substantive cooperation and communication between the two countries.



* unofficial translation