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Press Releases

MOFA Spokesperson’s Commentary on Sending Offerings to and Paying Tribute at Yasukuni Shrine


1. The government of the Republic of Korea expresses deep concern and regret over the fact that leaders of the government and the parliament of Japan once again sent offerings to and paid tribute at the Yasukuni Shrine, which glorifies Japan’s history of colonial rule and war of aggression.


2. The ROK government urges the Japanese political leaders to work to earn trust from neighboring countries and the international community by demonstrating their humble self-reflection and sincere remorse for Japan’s past wrongdoings based on a correct understanding of history, with this year marking the symbolic year of the 20th anniversary of the “Joint Declaration on a New ROK-Japan Partnership towards the 21st Century,” adopted by former ROK President Kim Dae-jung and former Japanese Prime Minister Obuchi.



* unofficial translation