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Press Releases

Outcome of Meeting on “OECD DAC Peer Review 2018” Report


1. A meeting on the “Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Peer Review 2018” report took place at the Foreign Ministry on February 7, bringing together Vice Foreign Minister Cho Hyun, OECD DAC Chair Charlotte Petri Gornitzka and delegates from civil society, private enterprises and the academic circle.


° The OECD DAC Peer Reviews are conducted as opportunities for peer learning among the member states, during which their development cooperation policies and the progress in the implementation thereof are reviewed and model cases are shared with one another. The Peer Review of the Republic of Korea marked the second of its kind following the first conducted in 2012.


The OECD DAC conducts the Peer Review on each of its member states every four to five years and as a result of the Review, publishes a report containing the DAC’s recommendations.


2. In his welcoming remarks, Vice Minister Cho highlighted the ROK government’s plan to bolster its partnership with the non-governmental sector in a bid to build “a people-centered peaceful and prosperous international community” as well as its plan to conduct development cooperation in sufficient communication with and with support of the public.


° DAC Chair Gornitzka, commending the ROK for its achievements in development cooperation despite its relatively short history in the field, brought attention to the need for the ROK, a country with experiences as both a recipient and donor country of assistance, to expand its international role in the area of development cooperation.


3. The delegates to the meeting from civil society, the academic circle and enterprises commented that in its Peer Review, the OECD appreciated the ROK’s achievements in the development cooperation field and suggested constructive ways that the ROK can undertake its future tasks.


° They also urged that the government make further efforts to strengthen genuine partnership with the non-governmental sector, including such new development actors as small- and medium-sized enterprises; to set sustainable policies and strategies; and implement them in a transparent and responsible manner.


4. Going forward, the government will draw upon various opinions gathered at the meeting and the result of the Peer Review in improving its development cooperation policies and implementation system, while seeking to more effectively help developing countries achieve sustainable development.


The “OECD DAC Peer Review 2018” report contains a combined 25 recommendations in twelve subareas of development cooperation.



* unofficial translation