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ROK-Tanzania Foreign Ministers’ Meeting Takes Place


1. Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha had a meeting and a luncheon with her Tanzanian counterpart Augustine P. Mahiga on January 31, and discussed the progress in the ROK-Tanzania relations and ways to advance the bilateral relations; economic and trade cooperation; North Korea; and the situation in Africa.


Foreign Minister Mahiga’s visit to the ROK marks the second after his first visit to the ROK in April 2017 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the ROK and Tanzania. Following the bilateral Foreign Ministers’ meeting, Minister Mahiga will attend the opening ceremony of the Embassy of Tanzania in the ROK on January 31 (The opening ceremony will be attended by Vice Foreign Minister Lim Sung-nam and former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon).


The ROK and Tanzania forged diplomatic relations in April 1992 (The ROK Embassy in Tanzania opened in October 1992).


2. Minister Kang Kyung-wha expressed hope that the cooperative relations with Tanzania, one of the ROK’s major cooperation partners in Africa, will advance further, following the opening of the Embassy of Tanzania in the ROK.


3. Minister Mahiga expressed appreciation for the ROK’s support for development cooperation, and hoped that the two countries will continue to expand cooperation not only in development cooperation, but in a range of areas, including economic affairs, tourism, people-to-people exchanges, education and the private sector.


o Minister Kang said that as Tanzania has great potential for growth, as demonstrated by its annual growth rate of about 7 percent for the last several years, and some 3,000 Korean tourists visit the country a year, it is important to increase tourism cooperation, and stressed that it will bring benefits to both countries to expand trade and investment cooperation between the two countries, which have complementary economic structures.


Total amount of the ROK’s grants and concessional loans to Tanzania (’87-’16): US$400 million


- Tanzania is the ninth-largest recipient of the ROK’s aid, and the largest recipient of the ROK’s aid in Africa (largest recipient of the ROK’s concessional loans, second-largest recipient of the ROK’s grants).


4. Minister Kang explained the ROK government’s continued efforts to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue peacefully, and said that the government will continue its diplomatic efforts, including sanctions and pressure, while responding firmly to North Korea’s provocations in cooperation with the international community, in order to bring the North back to the table for meaningful dialogues.


o Minister Kang also emphasized that the ROK will make efforts to ensure that North Korea’s participation in the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games and a series of inter-Korean talks will lead to dialogues for the peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue.


5. Minister Mahiga explained the situations in areas near Tanzania, including Burundi, DR Congo and South Sudan, as well as Tanzania’s efforts to contribute to stability in the region.


o Minister Kang took note of Tanzania’s role to promote stability in the region, and said that the ROK, together with the international community, will continue to make possible contributions to promoting peace in Africa and its steady growth.


6. The ROK-Tanzania Foreign Ministers’ meeting served as an opportunity to lay the foundation for high-level cooperation to enhance the ROK’s friendly relations and substantive cooperation with Tanzania, a resource-rich African country steadily growing under stable governance.



* unofficial translation