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Press Releases

ROK Government Decides to Offer Additional US$2.6 Million in Human Assistance to Rohingya in Bangladesh and Myanmar


1. The government of the Republic of Korea will offer an additional 2.6 million US dollars in human assistance to a large number of Rohingya people who moved to Bangladesh after the armed clashes in Rakhine State, Myanmar, on August 25, as well as in emergency food assistance to those remaining in that part of Myanmar.

° So far, a total of 655,000 Rohingya people have moved to Bangladesh since the armed clashes in Rakhine State, Myanmar. The majority of the refugees, accommodated in temporary housing camps, are in urgent need of help with basic necessities, including healthcare, housing, education and safety.

° In response to the rapidly worsening humanitarian situation in Rakhine State, Myanmar, since the aforementioned clashes, the UN asked the international community to render humanitarian assistance worth a combined 131.7 million US dollars in 2018 to 130,000 local refugees, 400,000 stateless people and 130,000 in vulnerable brackets in Rakhine.

2. The ROK government’s contribution will be delivered through such multilateral channels as the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA). The humanitarian assistance provided by the ROK government in 2017 in response to the situation in Rakhine State, Myanmar, will stand at a combined 4.627 million US dollars.

※ Previously in 2017, the ROK government contributed a combined two million US dollars to the International Organization for Migration (IOM)’s emergency aid operations for Rohingya people in Bangladesh and to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)’s humanitarian assistance activities in Myanmar.

° The ROK government expects that its donation will help alleviate sufferings and improve living conditions of the aforementioned people in a grave humanitarian crisis since the clashes in Rakhine State, especially the humanitarian situation of the most vulnerable brackets, such as women and children.

3. Going forward, the government of the ROK, a responsible middle power country of the international community, will continuously increase its assistance to vulnerable people in humanitarian crises caused by conflicts and other armed clashes.

* unofficial translation