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Press Releases

MOFA Spokesperson’s Commentary on UN Security Council Adoption of Resolution 2397


1. The government of the Republic of Korea welcomes and supports the UN Security Council’s unanimous adoption of Resolution 2397 on December 23, New York time, in response to the North Korean launch of a long-range ballistic missile on November 29.

2. In the resolution, the UN Security Council condemned in strong terms the North Korean launch of the ballistic missile, imposed additional sanctions and called for expanding and strengthening the measures included in the previous resolutions. By adopting the resolution, the Security Council is seen to have reaffirmed its firm resolve not to tolerate under any circumstances North Korea’s continuous nuclear and missile development, which constitutes a grave threat to international peace and security.

3. The government of the Republic of Korea once again urges North Korea to immediately stop reckless provocations and take the path of dialogue toward denuclearization and peace, as suggested by the ROK government and the international community.

4. The government of the Republic of Korea, in close cooperation with the international community, will continue to thoroughly implement Resolution 2397 and the other relevant UN Security Council sanctions resolutions on North Korea and to make every effort toward a fundamental denuclearization of the North and a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.

* unofficial translation