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Outcome of ROK-Vietnam Foreign Ministers’ Meeting


1. Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha had a meeting and a luncheon in Seoul on December 21 with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Vietnam Pham Binh Minh, who is on an official visit to the Republic of Korea to mark the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the ROK and Vietnam. The two sides assessed 25 years of the bilateral relations, and exchanged views on issues of mutual interest, including the implementation of the measures to strengthen the bilateral relations, which were agreed upon by the leaders of the two countries during their summit meeting, held on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Da Nang, as well as the North Korean nuclear issue, and ways to strengthen relations between the ROK and ASEAN through the New Southern Policy.

2. In the meeting, the two Ministers shared the view that the people of the two countries have made unprecedented progress in the bilateral relations over the past 25 years based on mutual understanding and cooperation.

o Minister Kang especially stressed that Vietnam, the ROK’s fourth-largest trading partner and investment destination, and the ROK, Vietnam’s third-largest trading partner and largest investment destination, have become partners vital for each other, and said that about a quarter of the world's population are using mobile phones jointly produced by the two countries.

o Deputy Prime Minister Minh welcomed the rapid increase in the trade volume between the two countries following the ROK-Vietnam FTA, concluded in 2015, and said that his country will actively work to attract Korean companies’ investments in a range of areas, including components, energy, high technology and agriculture.

3. The two Ministers welcomed the success of the ROK-Vietnam summit talks held between President Moon Jae-in and Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quan on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Da Nang in November. The two sides also agreed to closely work together to implement the measures for future cooperation between the two countries, including accelerating efforts to achieve the bilateral trade target of US$100 billion by 2020; increasing the ROK’s investments in Vietnam, including in infrastructure; concluding a social security agreement and revising the agreement on the avoidance of double taxation; enhancing cooperation in national defense and the defense industry; and ensuring the safety of Vietnamese people in the ROK and providing welfare benefits to them.

o Minister Kang expressed high expectations for further remarkable achievements that the two countries will accomplish over the next 25 years, and said that for such future, the ROK government hopes to strengthen people-centered and mutually-beneficial cooperative relations with Vietnam, as President Moon mentioned.

4. Minister Kang talked about the ROK’s position on the North Korean nuclear issue, and took note of the Vietnamese government’s cooperation on the issue, including its faithful implementation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions and announcement of statements condemning North Korea’s ballistic missile launches and sixth nuclear test. Minister Kang hoped that the ROK and Vietnam will continue cooperation to solve the North Korean nuclear problem, and Deputy Prime Minister Minh agreed to do so.

5. Minister Kang stressed that not only President Moon but the ROK government have a keen interest in and affection for Vietnam, and said that the ROK hopes to strengthen its relations with Vietnam, a major ASEAN country, and cooperate with the country in elevating the ROK-ASEAN relations to their highest point as part of the New Southern Policy.

o Deputy Prime Minister Minh expressed appreciation for President Moon and the ROK government’s warm hearts for Vietnam, and said that President Quan invited President Moon to visit his country.

6. The two Ministers signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries on the sidelines of the ROK-Vietnam Foreign Ministers’ meeting.

* unofficial translation