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Press Releases

Official from Department of Field Support (DFS) of UN Secretariat to be Invited to Give Lecture on Job Opportunities in International Organizations


1. The Foreign Ministry’s International Organizations Recruitment Center will invite Eom Kyoung-soo, Chief of the Geospatial Information Section of the UN Secretariat’s Department of Field Support, to give a lecture at a meeting on December 21 to introduce ways to work for international organizations, including the UN Secretariat, and answer a range of questions regarding jobs in international organizations.

o Date and venue: from 16:30 to 17:30, December 21, at the auditorium on the fifth floor of the World Friends Seoul Education Center (Yangjae)

2. The lecture by Chief Eom Kyoung-soo, who is in charge of the overall management of geospatial information at the UN Secretariat’s Department of Field Support, is expected to become an opportunity for participants in the meeting to hear stories of various experiences, and get realistic and useful information, including on how to write a resume and prepare for an interview, when applying for an international organization.

o Those who want to participate in the meeting can register on the website of the Foreign Ministry’s International Organizations Recruitment Center (http://UNrecruit.mofa.go.kr) from December 6.

3. The Foreign Ministry’s International Organizations Recruitment Center has continuously held briefing sessions on job opportunities in international organizations, and meetings where officials from international organizations are invited, as part of efforts to provide Koreans interested in working for international organizations with useful information.

* unofficial translation