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Press Releases

Statement by the Government of the Republic of Korea on the DPRK’s Long-range Ballistic Missile Launch of November 29


(Unofficial Translation)

1. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) yet again launched a long-range ballistic missile on November 29. The DPRK’s repeated acts of provocation are a grave threat to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and beyond. The Government of the Republic of Korea (ROK) strongly condemns the DPRK’s continued escalation of tensions through reckless provocations conducted in disregard of the ROK’s genuine efforts to ease tensions and establish peace on the Korean Peninsula.

2. The DPRK must now realize that provocations will only bring diplomatic isolation and economic hardship, and that only the abandonment of its nuclear and ballistic missile programs can ensure its security and economic development.

3. The ROK Government sternly urges the DPRK to halt any action that could further escalate tensions and to respond positively to the concerted voice of the international community towards establishing peace and achieving denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula.

4. Based on a robust ROK-US combined defense posture, the ROK Government will respond resolutely to any provocation by North Korea. Furthermore, the ROK Government will remain steadfast in safeguarding the security of the nation and the lives of its people while continuing to strengthen deterrence against North Korea in close coordination with the United States. /END/