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Press Releases

KNDA IFANS Center for Diplomatic History Studies to Hold Academic Conference


1. The Center for Diplomatic History Studies at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA), together with the Korean Association for Political and Diplomatic History, will hold a joint academic conference themed “transformation of the new Cold War and the Republic of Korea’s diplomatic response” at the KNDA at 2:00 pm, November 17.

° The purpose of the conference is to shed renewed light on the northern policy that the ROK has actively implemented as a diplomatic strategy in response to changes in the new Cold War era in the 1980s, and to explore its implications for present-day diplomacy of the ROK.

2. At the conference, the participants will review the ROK’s diplomacy in the first and second halves of the 1980s, respectively; and by drawing upon disclosed diplomatic documents, will discuss the dynamics of the cooperation between the government and non-government sectors at the time when the ROK and China started building bilateral relations, as well as changes in the “Super 301” provisions of the US trade law and the ROK-US trade ties.

3. The event will feature congratulatory remarks by former Foreign Minister Yoo Chong-ha and bring together a former high-level official of the Unification Ministry, a former Ambassador, a Vice Chairman of the Korean Council on Foreign Relations, professors and researchers in the field, the head of the Korean Association for Political and Diplomatic History and the Director of the Center for Diplomatic History Studies.

4. The KNDA IFANS Center for Diplomatic History Studies and the Korean Association for Political and Diplomatic History will continue working together to boost research and education on diplomatic history.

* unofficial translation