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Press Releases

Travel-alert Level Lowered for Some Regions of Pakistan


1. Given the current public security situation in Pakistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to lower the Travel-alert Level for Pakistan’s Islamabad and Faisalabad to Level 2 (Highly Cautious) from the previous Level 3 (Travel Restricted), effective from November 7, for the following reasons.

o (Islamabad) △serious terrorist incidents have not occurred for the past three years, △entry into Islamabad from other cities by public transport is blocked or restricted

o (Faisalabad) △ serious terrorist incidents have not occurred for the past three years, △as Korean companies (automobile, etc.) are operating in the city, lowing the travel-alert level will contribute to facilitating their business activities there

2. The Korean nationals planning to visit or staying in Pakistan are advised to check the travel advisories issued by the Foreign Ministry and to pay heed to their safety.

* unofficial translation