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Press Releases

ROK and Australia Discuss Ways to Strengthen Security and Defence Cooperation (Outcome of Third ROK-Australia Foreign and Defence Ministers’ (2+2) Meeting)


1. On October 13, Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha and Defence Minister Song Young-moo hosted Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister Marise Payne in Seoul for the third Foreign and Defense Ministers’ 2+2 Meeting between the Republic of Korea and Australia. They engaged in an extensive discussion on issues on the Korean Peninsula; the situations in Northeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific; and security and defence cooperation between the two countries, including in non-proliferation, counter-terrorism, military supplies and the defence industry.

o Following the meeting, the Ministers of the two countries held a joint press conference, and released a joint statement as an outcome document of the meeting.

2. The Ministers of the two countries took note that the two countries, which share basic values, including liberal democracy, human rights and the rule of law, as well as strategic interests in the Indo-Pacific region, are becoming the best cooperation partners, expanding the scope of cooperation on foreign, security and economic affairs, as well as regional and global issues.

o They also welcomed the further enhancement of cooperation between the two countries following the second 2+2 meeting, and shared the view that the ROK-Australia summit meeting, held on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg on July 8 this year, served as an opportunity to establish friendship between the leaders of the two countries and reaffirm their strong cooperative relations.

o The two sides agreed to continue close communications between the leaders of the two countries, including by arranging the ROK President’s visit to Australia and the Australian Prime Minister’s visit to the ROK at appropriate times, and agreed to discuss in further detail ways to elevate the bilateral relations to a higher level during the visits of the leaders.

o The two sides agreed to hold the next ROK-Australia 2+2 meeting in Australia in 2019, and continue close communications between the Foreign and Defence Ministers of the two countries.

3. Regarding issues on the Korean Peninsula, the two sides shared deep concern over the fact that the level of awareness about the North Korean nuclear threat has significantly increased to a level different from the past in the wake of North Korea’s sixth nuclear test and ICBM-level ballistic missile launches. They especially strongly condemned North Korea’s continued provocations which clearly violate UN Security Council resolutions.

o The two sides shared the view that all possible diplomatic efforts are needed to achieve the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea in a peaceful manner under the firm principle of no tolerance for a nuclear North Korea. In particular, the ROK and Australia, as representative like-minded countries, agreed to continue to closely cooperate on North Korea, including in thoroughly implementing Security Council resolutions, via various channels, such as regional and multilateral forums.

o The two sides shared the view that peace on the Korean Peninsula should not be undermined due to serious escalation of tensions or accidental military clashes, and agreed to double their efforts to induce North Korea to take the path towards denuclearization, while managing the situation on the Korean Peninsula in a stable manner.

o The ROK side stressed that the ROK, as a direct party to issues on the Korean Peninsula, will continue to work to improve inter-Korean relations and establish a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula under the Berlin initiative. The Australian side also repeatedly expressed its active support for the ROK government’s efforts.

o The ROK side said that the ROK is exerting its best efforts to successfully host the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games by managing the situation on the Korean Peninsula in a stable manner, and explained in detail what significance the peace festival has for inter-Korean relations and efforts to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula. The Australian side said that they fully support and understand the ROK’s efforts to make the PyeongChang Olympics peaceful ones, and reaffirmed their commitment to working actively together with the ROK.

4. Amid increasing instability and uncertainty in the security environment of the Asia-Pacific, the two countries, which share strategic interests in the region, agreed to closely cooperate in responding to it, and continue to further strengthen security and defence cooperation based on the ROK-Australia Blueprint for Defence and Security Cooperation, adopted in September 2015.

o The two sides welcomed reciprocal high-level visits and the operation of regular consultation mechanisms, and agreed on the need to further facilitate such exchanges to promote stability and prosperity in the region. Minister Song expressed appreciation to Minister Payne for participating in the Seoul Defense Dialogue held in September as a keynote speaker, and sharing her valuable opinions to foster peace on the Korean Peninsula and stability in the region.

o In addition, the two sides discussed ways for the two countries to work together in a range of areas, including security (△non-proliferation, △cyber security, △counter-terrorism, △non-traditional security issues, such as disaster response and humanitarian assistance) and national defence (△military supplies and the defence industry, △defence science and technology, △exchanges for defence education and training, △maritime security).

5. The two sides exchanged in-depth views on the situation in Northeast Asia, and agreed to continue to work together to contribute to stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.

o They agreed to continue close consultations to promote peace and stability and uphold freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, and also agreed to continue to enhance cooperation between the two countries within multilateral consultative mechanisms in the region, including ASEAN, the EAS, the ARF and APEC.

6. Prior to the 2+2 meeting, the Ministers of the two countries visited the War Memorial of Korea, laid wreaths, and paid tribute to Australian soldiers who fought and died in the Korean War.

7. After the 2+2 meeting, Minister Kang Kyung-wha had a separate bilateral meeting with Foreign Minister Bishop. In the meeting, they took note of the robust exchanges between the leaders and high-level officials of the two countries that have been underway since the inauguration of the new ROK government, and agreed to continue close communications to further advance the bilateral relations.

o The two sides discussed various measures for economic cooperation, including Australia’s development of mineral resources and adoption of LNG, more participation by Korean companies in Australia’s infrastructure projects, and cooperation in the defence industry. They agreed to deepen economic cooperation based on the two countries’ complementary economic structures, and exchanged views on ways to expand people-to-people exchanges, including through the working holiday program.

o The two countries, as responsible middle-power countries and like-minded countries in the international community, discussed ways to continue to strengthen cooperation on various global issues through MIKTA, to work together to successfully conclude the follow-up negotiations for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and to hold bilateral dialogues on climate change on a regular basis, as well as issues related to development cooperation, including ODA and developing countries’ sustainable development.

* unofficial translation