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Press Releases

MOFA Spokesperson’s Statement on North Korea’s Launch of Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missiles


1. North Korea, in disregard of the repeated warnings from the international community, again launched two intermediate-range ballistic missiles today, June 22, which is its fifth and sixth missile provocations over the past two months in the wake of its fourth nuclear test in early 2016.

2. The launches not only constitute a flagrant violation of UN Security Council resolutions that ban any launches using ballistic missile technology, but also pose a grave threat to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and beyond. The government of the Republic of Korea strongly condemns the North Korean provocation and sternly warns that North Korea will face tougher sanctions and pressure from the ROK and the international community.

3. North Korea’s repeated nuclear and missile provocations, including these intermediate-range missile launches, make evident to the international community that North Korea’s numerous offers for talks were highly deceptive and hypocritical moves. North Korea should refrain from engaging in further provocations and immediately stop its nuclear and missile programs, which are the cause of escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia.

4. The ROK government and military stand fully ready to retaliate strongly against any provocation by North Korea that pose a threat to the lives of the ROK people and the security of the ROK, and will firmly and unswervingly respond to them.

* unofficial translation