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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

KNDA to Host an International Academic Conference on the Paris Agreement on Climate Change


1. The Center for International Law at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA), together with the SSK Center for Climate Change and International Law at Yonsei University, will hold an international academic conference on the Paris Agreement on climate change at the KNDA on April 29. The conference will cover the content of the Paris Agreement and ways for implementation for each country involved.

2. With a number of countries having expressed their willingness to ratify the Paris Agreement within 2016, the Agreement is expected to be brought into force at an early date. At the forthcoming meeting, the participants will review the main content and issues of the Paris Agreement; compare how it will be implemented by the Republic of Korea, China and Japan; and look into relevant challenges facing each country involved.

* unofficial translation