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Press Releases

MOFA to Hold Celebratory Events to Mark the 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between the ROK and Malta


1. With this year marking the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the ROK and Malta, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold celebratory events joined by the private and public sectors of the two countries in Malta on July 5-6. The events include cultural performances, a business forum, and a reception.

2. A cultural event to be held on July 5 will be co-hosted by the ROK Embassy in Italy and the Korea Foundation. At the event, dancers of the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company and the Zfin Malta Dance Ensemble will perform on stage together. The event will be an opportunity to introduce Korean contemporary dance to the people of Malta and help the two countries better understand each other through culture and arts.

3. On July 6, a business forum on creative economy between the ROK and Malta will take place to help the businessmen of the two countries find opportunities for business and investment cooperation. The forum, to be co-hosted by the ROK Embassy in Italy, the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), and the Malta Enterprise, will bring together thirteen major Korean companies in the fields of electronics, aviation and shipping, as well as about twenty key Maltese companies.

4. In addition, a commemorative reception will be hosted by the ROK Embassy on July 6. It will be attended by Maltese government officials and figures from the economic and culture sectors of the two countries. The participants will assess the progress made in developing the friendly relations between the two countries since the establishment of diplomatic relations 50 years ago, and agree to continue to work together.

5. The events to mark the 50th anniversary of the ROK-Malta diplomatic relations this year began with the exchange of congratulatory messages between the heads of state of the two countries on April 2, the anniversary day. The two countries will work together to establish institutional foundations to expand people-to-people exchanges and strengthen cooperation in maritime affairs until the end of the year.

*unofficial translation