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Press Releases

Second Meeting of the ROK and Spanish Directors-General for Latin American and Caribbean Affairs to Take Place


1. The second meeting of Directors-General for Latin American and Caribbean Affairs of the ROK and Spain will take place in Seoul on May 13. Director-General for Latin American and Caribbean Affairs of the Foreign Ministry Bahk Sahng-hoon, head of the ROK delegation, and his Spanish counterpart Pablo Gómez de Olea will discuss current situations in Latin America and future prospects, as well as ways to enhance bilateral cooperation in Latin America.

2. In the meeting, the two sides will exchange in-depth views on the overall political and economic situations in Latin America, as well as situations in major countries. They will also explore ways to strengthen substantive cooperation with key cooperative mechanisms in Latin America, including the Community of Latin America and the Caribbean States (CELAC) and the Pacific Alliance (PA).

3. The upcoming meeting, which comes after the latest visit to Latin America by President Park Geun-hye, is expected to contribute to enhancing the ROK’s partnership for mutually-beneficial cooperation and shared growth with Latin American countries by providing an opportunity to discuss ways to increase the ROK’s cooperation with Spain, which has long-standing historical and cultural ties with Latin America.

*unofficial translation