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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with his Bolivian Counterpart


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with his Bolivian counterpart David Choquehuanca on January 12 and discussed with him ways for the Republic of Korea and Bolivia to work together across the board, including political affairs, economy, infrastructure and development, in a mutually beneficial manner.

2. Minister Yun commended Bolivia’s stable economic growth under President Evo Morales since his inauguration in 2006. Offering congratulations on the upcoming launch of the third-term administration of President Morales on January 22, the Minister voiced hope that the two countries will maintain and expand their cooperation in a substantial manner down the road.

3. The two Ministers, calling the year 2015 a meaningful one marking the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations, expressed hope that Minister Choquehuanca’s visit to the ROK will serve as the starting point for advancing bilateral relations over the next 50 years.

4. Minister Choquehuanca asked the ROK government to cooperate for Bolivia to move successfully forward its large-scale state-funded strategic projects, including those for building an e-government system, an international airport and a science city. In response, Minister Yun mentioned that the ROK will work closely with Bolivia by sharing its technology and experience, proposing that the two countries expand the scope of their cooperation to include such fields as petro-chemistry, energy efficiency and measurement standards.

5. Minister Yun brought renewed attention to the ROK having selected Bolivia as one of its main partners for development cooperation in 2010 and since implemented assistance in such key fields of aid as healthcare, agriculture and transportation, in a way that is tailored to the situation in the country. He added that the ROK will increase assistance to Bolivia as necessary. In response, Minister Choquehuanca extended deep appreciation to the ROK, saying that the ROK’s assistance is playing a big role in expanding Bolivia’s social infrastructure facilities and reducing its social inequality. He conveyed hope that the ROK would actively share its experiences in economic development, including the Saemaul Undong (new community movement).

6. Minister Yun spoke about the current situations on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia and asked the Bolivian government to render support and cooperation on the ROK government’s trustpolitik. Minister Choquehuanca expressed consent on the ROK government’s position aimed at peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula, as well as willingness to cooperate in that regard.

7. On the heels of the meeting, the two Ministers announced a joint press communiqué appreciating the advances in bilateral relations achieved since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1965 and conveying the willingness of the two countries to promote their friendship and step up substantive cooperation. 

                     Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation