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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with his Kyrgyz Counterpart on the Sidelines of the 69th UNGA Session


1. On the sidelines of the 69th session of the UN General Assembly, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with his Kyrgyz counterpart Yerlan Abdyldaev on September 26. In the meeting, the top diplomats of the two countries discussed matters of mutual concern, including ways to boost high-level exchanges, step up substantive cooperation and work together on the international stage.

2. The two sides shared the view that their two countries have seen their bilateral relations move forward in diverse fields since the visit of Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev to the Republic of Korea in November 2013. They agreed to boost high-level exchanges in order to further enhance friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

3. In particular, Minister Abdyldaev extended appreciation to the ROK government for its support, including through the election capacity-building project, for Kyrgyz’s efforts to achieve democratic and economic development, asking for further support for democratic development of Kyrgyz. Minister Yun responded that strong support will be extended to that end.

4. Minister Yun asked Kyrgyz to help move smoothly forward with the ongoing energy and resource projects. Responding in the affirmative to the request, Minister Abdyldaev voiced hope that the projects will lead to an increased presence of Korean companies in Kyrgyz.

◦ The two sides agreed to work closely together in order to achieve success in cooperation in not only in agriculture -- at the “ROK-Kyrgyzstan Agriculture Center” -- but also in other sectors of substantive cooperation.

4. At the meeting, the two sides reviewed the progress in the implementation of follow-up measures to the bilateral summit talks; and agreed to boost high-level exchanges and make smooth progress in cooperation projects, thereby building momentum for moving the bilateral relations further forward. 

               Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation