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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Speaks by Phone with her UK Counterpart


1. Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha spoke by phone with her UK counterpart Boris Johnson on September 3, and assessed the situation regarding North Korea’s sixth nuclear test and discussed ways to respond to it.

2. Minister Kang said that the ROK government held an emergency NSC meeting, chaired by the President, and issued its statement strongly condemning North Korea’s reckless provocation. Minister Kang expressed hope that the UK, a permanent member of the Security Council, will provide active support in efforts to induce North Korea to change its attitude by raising sanctions and pressure on the North to the highest possible level.

3. Foreign Secretary Johnson strongly condemned North Korea’s six nuclear test, and expressed full support for the ROK’s position on the situation on the Korean Peninsula. He also said that the UK, as a permanent member of the Security Council, will provide maximum cooperation in drawing up a new Security Council resolution containing strong sanctions.

o Secretary Johnson said that he fully agrees with the ROK government’s position to solve the North Korean nuclear problem through peaceful and diplomatic means, and that the UK will actively work together with the ROK and the US to obtain constructive cooperation from China and Russia.

4. Minister Kang expressed appreciation to the UK side for its cooperation in searching for the missing crew members of the Stellar Daisy, and looked forward to the country’s continued cooperation. Secretary Johnson said that the UK is well aware of the ROK’s position, and reaffirmed that his country will provide all possible support.

5. The two sides agreed to continue to strengthen close and strategic communications between the two countries on the North Korean nuclear issue and the ROK-UK substantive cooperation on various occasions, including the UN General Assembly.

* unofficial translation