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Press Releases

Outcome of Meeting of ROK and Chinese Top Negotiators to Six-Party Talks


1. Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs Lee Do-hoon met with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister and Special Representative on the Korean Peninsular Affairs Kong Xuanyou in Beijing on August 6 for a meeting of the ROK and Chinese top negotiators to the Six-Party Talks. In the meeting, they assessed the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and engaged in in-depth discussions on the way forward.


2. In the meeting, which took place to follow up on the ROK-China Foreign Ministers’ meeting held in Singapore on August 3 on the sidelines of ASEAN-related Foreign Ministers’ Meetings, the two sides reaffirmed their goal of achieving complete denuclearization and establishing a lasting peace, which was agreed upon at the inter-Korean and US-North Korea summits, and agreed to work together toward the goal.


o Special Representative Lee stressed China’s important roles in achieving complete denuclearization and establishing a lasting peace, and asked the Chinese side to continue to play constructive roles.


3. The two sides shared the view that frequent communications and coordination between the ROK and China have become more important, as they mark a turning point in the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and agreed to continue to strengthen strategic communications at each level.



* unofficial translation