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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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[Former] Congratulatory Remarks by H.E. Park Jin Minister of Foreign Affairs Global Engagement and Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development 2023


Congratulatory Remarks by H.E. Park Jin

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Global Engagement and Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development 2023

February 2, 2023 

Your Excellency Ban Ki-moon, 

the 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations,

Your Excellency Heinz Fischer, 

Former President of the Republic of Austria,

Your Excellency Graça Machel, 

Former First Lady of South Africa, 

Dr. Suh Seoung Hwan, 

President of Yonsei University,

Distinguished Guests, 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great honor for me to take part in

this year’s Global Engagement and Empowerment Forum

on Sustainable Development.

I wish to thank Yonsei University, 

the Ban Ki-moon Foundation for a Better Future,

and the Ban Ki-moon Center for Global Citizens 

for convening this meaningful forum.

I truly welcome this occasion which brings us together

to pool the collective wisdom 

in pursuit of our common goal: 

the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This year’s forum could not be more timely or relevant. 

Today, we are at a time of multiple challenges 

like never before. 

We are still struggling to overcome 

the lingering effects of the pandemic,

yet we are far short of a full recovery from it.

The global economy is facing an acute, 

long-lasting slowdown,

with the third-weakest pace of growth 

in nearly three decades.

Moreover, we are witnessing supply chain disruptions, 

soaring energy and food prices, 

and growing geopolitical divides, 

not to mention existential threats of climate change.

Yet, we stand at a turning point, 

as the theme of this Forum rightly sets out.

We are called upon to turn today’s interwoven crises 

into opportunities. 

Half way into the target year of the 

Sustainable Development Goals, 

we need to move beyond

the mere reaffirmation of our commitments.

This is the time to place our focus on concrete actions 

in advancing the 2030 Agenda.

In this regard, 

I would like to emphasize a few points

that should be central to such efforts. 

First, Leave No One Behind, the spirit of inclusiveness, 

must lie at the very heart of our efforts

to respond to urgent humanitarian needs 

and build resilience against future shocks.

The overlapping crises, including the pandemic, 

have exacerbated already-deepened 

inequalities and deprivations.

Given such an impact, it is all the more important that 

the vulnerable are not left behind. 

In particular, the inclusion of women 

in economic recovery and the engagement of women 

in peace processes is essential.

Indeed, it is key in shaping resilient societies 

and nurturing lasting peace.

Korea, for its part, is firmly committed to uphold

the rights and dignity of women across the globe

through its Action with Women and Peace initiative. 

And we will not falter in continuing to support 

the empowerment of women and girls through ODA.

Second, leveraging the potential of digital technologies 

will indeed accelerate the achievement of the SDGs.

To ensure tremendous opportunities 

gained from digital technologies 

while mitigating their potential risks,

it is critical to strengthen international cooperation.

Korea is fully committed to promoting 

digital cooperation to narrow the digital divide 

and supporting our partners’ digital transition

through collaboration with diverse stakeholders, 

including the United Nations. 

By doing so, we will play a leading role 

in global efforts to realize the UN Secretary-General’s 

vision of  ‘a free and open digital future for all’ . 

Third, a strong sense of global solidarity 

based on multi-stakeholder partnership 

is essential to move forward to the 

full implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Given the broad spectrum of global challenges 

– as never before seen – this way is the only way. 

We have learned from the recent pandemic that 

various new mechanisms based on global collaboration,

such as the ACT-Accelerator, COVAX Facility,

have played a leading role in the monumental push 

to bring the pandemic to an end.  

As such, coordinated global efforts is key to advance 

in our common objectives of sustainable development. 

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The valuable experience of solidarity 

and harmonized cooperation reinforced 

Korea’s commitment for greater contribution.

It is in this context that the Korean government 

has recently announced 

its first-ever Indo-Pacific Strategy

in its aspiration to become a Global Pivotal State

that contributes to freedom, peace and prosperity.

As we assume more active role to tackle 

regional as well as global challenges,

we will stand in firm solidarity with our partners 

which share values and principles 

to build a free, peaceful and prosperous 

Indo-Pacific region.

As one of priority areas in our Indo-Pacific Strategy,

we will pursue ‘contributive diplomacy’ through 

tailored development cooperation partnerships 

with the goal of increasing the ODA volume 

to reach the world’s top ten levels. 

With this year marking the mid-point of the 

implementation of the 2030 Agenda,

we look forward to another SDG Summit 

this coming September.

The Summit will bring together world leaders 

to take stock of the current status of the SDGs

and come up with transformative and bold actions.

I believe the actions can steer the world back on track 

leading up to the target year of 2030.

Korea is fully ready to work hand-in-hand 

with its partners in the pursuit of our shared quest 

towards the 2030 Agenda.

In closing, I look forward to the GEEF’s 

continued leadership in garnering 

the collective wisdom of all stakeholders in our journey

towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.

I wish everyone a meaningful and engaging discussion.

Thank you.  /The End/