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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Briefings

Spokesperson's Press Briefing (September 12, 2023)


Press Briefing 

Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Affairs Soosuk Lim

September 12, 2023  14:30  KST

Good afternoon. Let me start today’s briefing.

Let me first discuss high-level exchanges between Russia and North Korea.

The government of the Republic of Korea, in close collaboration with the United States and other related countries, has been paying close attention to relevant developments.

Russia and North Korea should be mindful of the ban on arms deals and other forms of military cooperation under multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions and other various sanctions imposed by the international community. 

Previously, at the East Asia Summit last week, the ROK President underscored that permanent members of the UN Security Council bear greater responsibility to abide by Security Council sanctions resolutions. 

Moving on, the ROK government has decided to provide USD 2 million in humanitarian assistance to support Morocco’s recovery efforts after the devastating earthquake on September 8. The assistance package includes a potential deployment of a Korea Disaster Relief Team (KDRT) consisting mainly of medical personnel. 

The ROK government has already conveyed its intentions to provide humanitarian assistance through diplomatic channels, with both countries currently engaged in consultation. 

The ROK government extends its deepest consolation and condolences to the government and people of Morocco and wishes an early recovery from the earthquake.

Going forward, the ROK government will continue to work closely with the Moroccan government and the international community for an early recovery of Morocco.

(A question-and-answer session followed.)