On April 22, the heads of overseas diplomatic missions discussed ways for "robust security diplomacy" in the first thematic session of their 2024 meeting. "Robust security diplomacy" is one of the key policy tasks of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aimed at realizing the vision of a "Global Pivotal State" amid the rapidly changing international environment.
The discussion was divided into two parts. In the first part, Minister of Unification Kim Yung Ho delivered a lecture followed by a Q&A session. The second part, chaired by Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Hong Kyun, focused on ways to unwaveringly seek the denuclearization of North Korea and a free and reunified Korean Peninsula and to manage and enhance relations with countries like the United States, Japan, China and Russia.
Minister of Unification Kim Yung Ho gave a lecture on "North Korea's economic and social realities and the unification policy of the Republic of Korea." Minister Kim pointed out the deepening suffering of North Korean people due to their regime's obsessive focus on nuclear and missile development with a blind eye on their well-being. On that note, he emphasized the need for continued efforts to understand the realities faced by North Korean residents and to improve their situation. Furthermore, recalling President Yoon Suk Yeol's message in his address on the 105th March First Independence Movement Day that "Unification is precisely what is needed to expand the universal values of freedom and human rights," Minister Kim stated that the Republic of Korea will establish a new discourse on unification that not only emboldens the identity of the Republic of Korea but also sets a clear direction toward unification.
The heads of diplomatic missions shared their host countries' understanding of North Korean human rights issues and cooperation with the ROK about them. They also exchanged opinions on various ways to broaden international support for improving the North Korean human rights situation and realizing the vision of a free and unified Korean Peninsula. Ambassador-at-large for International Cooperation on North Korean Human Rights Lee Shin-wha also attended the session and explained the achievements from and future plans on international cooperation activities regarding the issues.
In the second part of the discussion, Vice Minister Kim Hong Kyun emphasized that through "robust security diplomacy," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should ensure that Korean citizens engage in economic activities freely without worries. On that note, he asked for concerted diplomatic efforts to realize the vision of the denuclearization of North Korea and a free and unified Korean Peninsula. Additionally, Vice Minister Kim outlined the need to manage and strengthen relations with major countries such as the United States, Japan, China and Russia as part of efforts to carry out "robust security diplomacy," presenting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' policy direction to that end.
In the current situation where North Korea is escalating nuclear threats while refusing to engage in dialogue, the heads of diplomatic missions agreed to enhance international cooperation to achieve denuclearization with a so-called 3D approach of deterring North Korea's nuclear threats, dissuading Pyongyang from nuclear development, and pursuing dialogue and diplomacy. They pointed out that North Korea is developing nuclear weapons and missiles using funds illegally obtained through violations of international sanctions. They also agreed to further bolster international cooperation to cut off North Korea's major illicit revenue streams, including cyber activities, the dispatch of workers overseas, and ship-to-ship transfers.
The heads of diplomatic missions agreed to strengthen cooperation with the United States and Japan, the ROK’s key partners in promoting freedom and democracy in the international community. They highlighted the importance of expanding the depth and scope of the ROK-U.S. alliance as a "Global Comprehensive Strategic Alliance." Also, they resolved to make an effort to develop future-oriented relations between the ROK and Japan. Meanwhile, they agreed to build mutual respect and trust with China through principled diplomacy and to strategically manage relations with Russia to sustain the groundwork of the ROK-Russia relations in order to promote peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and in the Indo-Pacific region.
In this session, the heads of overseas diplomatic missions learned about national philosophy and policy directions of the ROK government and shared their insightful opinions, enhancing the foundation of the "robust security diplomacy" policy, which is essential for ensuring the safety and economic stability of Korean citizens. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue its efforts to build stability on the Korean Peninsula and beyond for the well-being of Korean people, based on the outcome of today's discussion.