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Press Releases

Korea Affirms Commitment to Expanding Cooperation with CEPI


1. Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs Kweon Ki-hwan met with Chair of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) Board Jane Halton on November 21, during her visit to Korea for the World Bio Summit 2023. During the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on Korea-CEPI cooperation.


2. Deputy Minister Kweon highly commended CEPI for its contribution to accelerating the development of COVID-19 vaccines as well as promoting equitable access to vaccines. He went on to convey the Korean government’s hope to expand cooperation. He took note of the global initiative “100-Day Mission” led by CEPI and hoped to strengthen preparedness against emerging infectious diseases known as Disease X.


3. CEPI Board Chair Halton mentioned that CEPI is looking forward to step up its cooperation with the Korean government and bio companies, as well as Korean SMEs, to prepare for emerging infectious diseases. She suggested strengthening Korea-CEPI cooperation during the CEPI 2.0 strategic period (2022-2026). During the CEPI 2.0, CEPI will extend its support for not only research and development but also manufacturing of vaccines.


4. The Korean government will continue to collaborate with CEPI and other global health organizations, and strive to fulfill its due responsibility and role as a responsible member of the international community.