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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

Outcome of Korea-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting


1. Minister of Foreign Affairs Park Jin had a meeting and an official dinner with State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Wang Yi in Qingdao, Shandong Province, on August 9. They had in-depth discussions on issues of mutual interest, including Korea-China relations, issues on the Korean Peninsula, and regional and global affairs.


2. The two ministers appreciated that Korea-China relations have developed in a range of areas, including political, economic, social, and cultural affairs, over the past 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1992, and exchanged views on future cooperation to make bilateral relations more mature and healthier.


o The two sides agreed to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties in various and meaningful ways, and decided to discuss ways to continue to develop an annual 1.5-track communication platform between experts of the two countries, based on the experience and achievements of the Committee for Future-Oriented Development of Korea-China Relations, which was launched last year.


o In particular, Foreign Minister Park proposed a joint action plan for the future development of Korea-China relations to lead consultations on the way forward for the development of Korea-China relations and promote communication and cooperation at regional and global levels. The two ministers agreed to advance the plan through follow-up discussions and reviews.


3. The two sides noted that close high-level communication and exchanges, including between the two nations’ leaders, have taken place since the inauguration of the new Korean government, and agreed on the need to further facilitate various dialogue channels, in addition to the high-level conversation between the two countries.


o Especially, the two sides decided to further strengthen strategic communication between the two countries in foreign affairs and security, and decided to hold the Vice Foreign Ministerial Strategic Dialogue face-to-face in Seoul at the earliest possible time this year, while working to hold a Foreign and Defense Vice-Ministerial (2+2) meeting this year.


o Foreign Minister Park mentioned that he expects President Xi Jinping to visit Korea at a mutually convenient time, and invited State Councilor Wang to visit Korea within this year. State Councilor Wang agreed on the importance of high-level communication, including between the two nations’ leaders, and offered to closely coordinate on this.


4. The two sides agreed on the need for a qualitative leap forward in economic cooperation between the two countries, which has achieved remarkable results over the past 30 years, and decided to continuously cooperate for this.


o In particular, the two ministers decided to strengthen communication and dialogue for stable management of the supply chain, as the tightly connected supply chain between Korea and China has a practical impact on the daily lives of the two peoples and corporate activities of the two countries.


o The two sides decided to accelerate the follow-up negotiations on Korea-China FTA in the service and investment sectors, which resumed in July, while strengthening communication and cooperation on regional multilateral consultative bodies, such as the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA) and the Regional Economy Partnership Agreement (RCEP). In addition, the two sides decided to deepen cooperation on the achievement of carbon neutrality by mid-21st century, fine dust and climate change.


5. The two ministers discussed various creative ways to promote friendship and bond between the two peoples, which is the basis for the development of Korea-China relations, and to revitalize people-to-people exchanges, which have been dampened by the COVID-19 pandemic, in preparation for the post-COVID-19 era.


o Especially, Foreign Minister Park emphasized that cultural contents exchanges are the fastest and most effective way to bring closer the hearts of the two peoples, especially the younger generation, and mentioned that the two sides should substantially expand exchanges in areas such as movies, broadcasting, games, and music.


o In response, State Councilor Wang stressed that China is taking an active attitude toward strengthening people-to-people and cultural exchanges, which is an important part of Korea-China relations, and said that the two sides should make efforts for this.


o Moreover, the two ministers appreciated that direct flights between Incheon and Beijing resumed as of July 23, and decided to cooperate closely so that other flights, including direct flights between Incheon and Shanghai, which are currently under discussion between the aviation authorities of the two countries, could also resume smoothly.


6. The two sides exchanged views on the current situation on the Korean Peninsula. Foreign Minister Park mentioned that the Korean government is preparing a denuclearization roadmap that covers political, economic, and security measures, including an ‘audacious plan’ that can dramatically improve the economy and the quality of life of the people of the DPRK, if the DPRK takes substantial steps toward denuclearization. Foreign Minister Park also asked the Chinese side to play a constructive role in inducing the DPRK to choose dialogue and diplomacy over provocation.


o Foreign Minister Park emphasized that, if the DPRK finally decides to make provocations, the international community, including the United Nations, should unite to respond firmly and proposed that the two countries continue close communication on the nuclear issue of the DPRK.


o State Councilor Wang stressed that China will continue to make possible efforts for peace on the Korean Peninsula.


7. The two ministers also had extensive discussions on various regional and global affairs.


o Foreign Minister Park hoped that the two countries would cooperate for regional and global peace and prosperity beyond the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia, based on the spirits of universal values and norms. He also emphasized the need to seek new cooperation in a rapidly changing international environment.


o In addition, Foreign Minister Park mentioned that there is a great need for communication and cooperation among Korea, China and Japan for peace and stability in Northeast Asia, and that as a chair country, Korea will continue its efforts to hold the 9th Trilateral Summit. In response, State Councilor Wang stressed that he actively supports Korea's efforts and roles.


o Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Park asked China to support Korea's bid to host the World Expo in Busan, considering the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries this year and their experience in cooperation with each other on celebratory events.


8. This meeting was held in August, marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and it is of great significance as it served as an opportunity to explore the way forward for the future development of Korea-China relations, to actively seek and promote practical cooperation in areas closely related to the daily lives of the peoples and companies of the two countries, and to improve strategic communication between the two countries in order to enhance mutual understanding, manage current issues stably, and explore common interests.