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Outcome of the 26th ASEAN-ROK Dialogue


1. The 26th ASEAN-ROK Dialogue, an annual high-level consultative meeting between the ROK and ASEAN Member States, was held in Seoul, the ROK, on July 1. The two sides discussed ways to strengthen ASEAN-ROK relations and shared views on regional and international issues.


о Deputy Minister for Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yeo Seung-bae co-chaired the meeting with Vu Ho, Acting Leader of ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam. The meeting was attended by vice/deputy ministers (SOM leaders) from the ten ASEAN Member States and the Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for Political-Security Community.


2. Deputy Minister Yeo explained that the ROK's new government laid out its initiative for a global pivotal state that assumes a greater role in achieving freedom, peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and was in the process of formulating its own Indo-Pacific strategy. He also emphasized that the ROK would further bolster mutually beneficial cooperation with ASEAN Member States, who are at the center of the Indo-Pacific, for greater solidarity.


о Deputy Minister Yeo highlighted the need for the ROK and ASEAN Member States to strengthen cooperation in economic security affairs, such as in stabilizing the supply chains, amid growing uncertainties in the global economy. In particular, he looked forward to seeing close cooperation between the ROK and ASEAN Member States in developing the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) into a meaningful platform that would drive economic growth in the region.


о Deputy Minister Yeo shared with the participants the recent developments in the ROK government’s COVID-19-related measures and hoped for close cooperation between the ROK and ASEAN Member States for the swift recovery of people-to-people exchanges between the two regions.


о He also mentioned that the ROK government would provide support for the inclusive development of ASEAN by working more closely with sub-regional cooperation mechanisms such as Mekong-ROK cooperation and BIMP-EAGA-ROK cooperation and that it would strengthen future-oriented cooperation with ASEAN in areas such as public health, digital transformation, and climate response.


3. The ASEAN participants appreciated the ROK’s hosting of the dialogue, the first face-to-face SOM hosted by an ASEAN Dialogue Partner after the outbreak of the pandemic. They mentioned that the in-person meeting provided them with a good opportunity to see for themselves the ROK government’s determination to upgrade its partnership with ASEAN.


о The ASEAN side welcomed the ROK government’s commitment to further contribute to the peace and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region and expressed their hope that the ROK-ASEAN partnership would be further expanded and deepened under the ROK’s new government.


4. The participants exchanged views on regional and international issues, including the situations on the Korean Peninsula and in Myanmar and Ukraine as well as South China Sea issues.


о The Korean side, in particular, pointed out that the DPRK’s recent numerous missile test launches, which included ICBM launches, were a clear violation of multiple UN Security Council resolutions and strongly condemned the DPRK for such provocations. The Korean side also called on ASEAN to take a firm and united stance against the DPRK’s continued provocations, including a possible 7th nuclear test.


- The Korean side also mentioned that the ROK government would keep the door open for dialogue and diplomacy for a peaceful resolution of the DPRK nuclear issue.


о The ASEAN participants expressed serious concern that the DPRK’s ICBM testing and ballistic missile launches pose a threat to the peace and stability of the region. They expressed their willingness to play a constructive role in de-escalating tension by various means, including the ASEAN Regional Forum and other ASEAN-led mechanisms.


5. Deputy Minister Yeo asked for the support of ASEAN Member States regarding the ROK’s bid to host the World Expo 2030 in Busan.


6. Building on the in-depth discussion they had through the Dialogue about the future direction of ASEAN-ROK cooperation, the participants agreed to closely work together for the success of the upcoming ASEAN-related Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in August and the Summit in November.