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Press Releases

D-100 Event for 2021 Seoul UN Peacekeeping Ministerial, Meeting with Youth Peacekeepers

1. The 2021 Seoul UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Preparatory Secretariat (led by the Director General, Ms. Eunji Seo) launched the D-100 event and a kick-off ceremony of the Youth Peacekeepers for the Ministerial – the largest and highest-level conference on peacekeeping, scheduled to take place on December 7-8, 2021 in Seoul – using a metaverse platform on August 27. 
- Considering the ongoing COVID-19 related restrictions, the event was held online and this was the first metaverse event organized by the Korean government in collaboration with SK Telecom. Participants were instructed to join the online event through one of the metaverse platforms called “ifland.” 

     * Metaverse is a compound word of ‘Meta’ meaning ‘transcendence, virtual’ and ‘Universe’ meaning the real world, where social, economic and cultural activities are being exchanged in a three dimensional virtual reality setting. It has risen to be a new way of communicating in times of the global pandemic. 

- The D-100 event was sequenced as follows: △Welcoming remarks and the award ceremony of the Ministerial emblem contest △Introducing the Youth Peacekeepers △D-100 congratulatory video messages* and △Award ceremony of the Best Vision Award.  
     * The video messages are from the United Nations, the diplomatic corps based in Seoul, the Hanbit Unit deployed in South Sudan, Korean celebrities, etc. 

2. The Director General of the Secretariat, Ms. Eunji Seo, participated in the metaverse event and communicated via personal avatar saying, “Korea has voiced important messages on the three pillars of the UN, development, human rights, and peace and security. Hosting the 2021 Seoul UN Peacekeeping Ministerial will provide Korea with an opportunity to increase its visibility for peace and security. It also carries significance that Korea will be the first Asian country to host the Ministerial, as we celebrate the 30th year anniversary of joining the UN membership.” 
- Director General Seo added, “Congratulations to the Youth Peacekeepers on board, and I ask for all of your active engagement with creative ideas to promote the Ministerial to the Korean public.” 

3. United Nations officials, the diplomatic corps based in Seoul, Korean boy band, 2PM, and the commander of the Hanbit Unit deployed in South Sudan have respectively sent a congratulatory video message and they were all shown during the event. 
- In particular, the Chief of Policy and Best Practices in the UN Department of Peace Operations said in the video, “I look forward to the UN Peacekeeping Ministerial in Seoul, and thank the youth, whose active participation in peacekeeping makes us one of the most successful multilateral tools in the world today.”  

4. Ms. Yunjin Choi and Ms. Wonhee Choi, who presented the most innovative and interesting idea on how to better promote and cover the Ministerial at the kick-off ceremony, laid out their ambition saying, “I promise to take an active role in various projects related to the Ministerial, such as promoting the online photo exhibition, collaborating with the UN and more, as a proud Youth Peacekeeper. I also pledge to contribute to people-friendly public relations activities.”  

 5. The Korean Foreign Ministry plans to release a 30-second interview clip and a short documentary on the preparation of the event on its official website and social media. 

        Attachment 1


2021 Seoul UN Peacekeeping Ministerial

D-100 Event Overview  


1. Overview 

    Title : D-100 Event for the 2021 Seoul UN Peacekeeping Ministerial  

    Date and Time : Friday, August 27, 2021/ 15:00-16:05 (KST)

    Venue : Main conference room at the 2021 Seoul UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Preparatory Secretariat  

    Participants : A total of 30 individuals, including 20 Youth Peacekeepers, emblem contest winners, etc.  

2. Agenda (in order)    


Main Activities

15:00 ~ 15:05(5)


15:05 ~ 15:07(2)

        Welcoming video

15:07 ~ 15:17(10)

        Welcoming remarks (delivered by the Director General of the 2021 Seoul UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Preparatory Secretariat)

15:17 ~ 15:18(1)

        Congratulatory video message from the UN DPO

15:18 ~ 15:22(4)

      Award ceremony of the Ministerial emblem contest

15:22 ~ 15:52(30)

        Kick-off ceremony of the Youth Peacekeepers

15:52 ~ 15:56(4)

        Congratulatory video messages from the diplomatic corps based in Seoul, Korean boy band, 2PM, and the commander of the Hanbit Unit deployed in South Sudan

15:56~ 15:59(3)

 Award ceremony of the Best Vision Award

15:59 ~ 16:05(6)

        Group photoshoot and closing remarks