1. On July 7, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Jong Kun had a luncheon meeting with members of the United States Congressional Study Group on Korea (CSGK) including Representative Ami Bera (Co-Chair of the CSGK) and Representative Young Kim (Co-Chair of the CSGK), who are on a visit to the Republic of Korea. In the meeting, they exchanged views on the ROK-U.S. relations, Korean Peninsula issues, and global cooperation.
※ List of the CSGK delegation
- Rep. Ami Bera (D-CA/CSGK co-chair), Rep. Young Kim (R-CA/CSGK co-chair), Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO), Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA), Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA), Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL), Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX), Rep. Peter Meijer (R-MI)
※ The Congressional Study Group on Korea (CSGK) is a bipartisan study group on Korea created within the U.S. Congress, which was officially launched in February, 2018. About 50 current members of the Congress are participating in the CSGK.
2. Vice Minister Choi welcomed the CSGK delegation’s visit to the ROK, which took place two years after the outbreak of COVID-19. He expressed his gratitude for the CSGK’s efforts to develop the ROK-U.S. relations and further deepen understanding about the ROK in the U.S. Congress.
3. Vice Minister Choi mentioned that this visit following the U.S. Senators’ visit to Korea last month reaffirmed the importance of the ROK-U.S. alliance after the successful ROK-U.S. Summit in May.
4. Vice Minister Choi mentioned that the ROK-U.S. Summit developed the ROK-U.S. relations into a more “comprehensive, mutually beneficial and responsible” alliance. He requested the U.S. Congress’ support for the implementation of the Summit’s outcome, which includes partnership on vaccine and supply chain and response to global challenges such as climate change, as well as advancement in the Peace Process on the Korean Peninsula.
5. He requested continuous attention and support of the U.S. Congress for backing Korean Corporations’ activities in the U.S. and legislation allocating a professional visa quota for Koreans.
6. Vice Minister Choi added that he hoped the U.S. Congress will continue to be a strong partner in the development of the ROK-U.S. relations and congressional exchanges between the ROK and the U.S. will be further promoted.