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Result of ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Senior Officials’ Meeting


1. An ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) was held at 10:00-15:00, June 29 (Seoul time), in a virtual format. Deputy Minister for Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yeo Seung-bae attended the event as head of the ROK delegation and took part in the discussions on issues such as COVID-19 response, cybersecurity, maritime security and Youth, Peace and Security (YPS), as well as regional and global issues including those concerning Myanmar, the Korean Peninsula and the South China Sea.


2. Deputy Minister Yeo took note that the ARF has led cooperation in the region by expanding its scope of discussion to include COVID-19 response and YPS, and emphasized that cooperation and solidarity should be strengthened to promote regional security.


o On COVID-19 response, Deputy Minister Yeo reiterated the importance of international cooperation in ensuring fair and equitable access to medical supplies and vaccines, and underlined the ROK’s will to contribute to international efforts, including by expanding its contribution to the COVAX AMC and becoming a new vaccine manufacturing hub.


o On cybersecurity, Deputy Minister Yeo explained that the ROK, as a next co-chair for the Inter-sessional Meeting on ICT Security, will support ASEAN’s cyber capacity building and information sharing to promote an open, safe and transparent cyber environment.


o On non-proliferation and disarmament, Deputy Minister Yeo stated that the ROK, as a co-chair of the Inter-sessional Meeting on Non-proliferation and Disarmament, has contributed to efforts to promote non-proliferation and the peaceful use of nuclear energy in the region, and will continue its partnership with the ARF in this regard.


o On maritime security, Deputy Minister Yeo explained that the ROK is contributing to maintaining the rules-based maritime order, to supporting regional maritime capacity building, and to combatting piracy, transnational crimes and maritime debris, which was also stressed in the Seoul Declaration adopted at the recent P4G Seoul Summit.


o Deputy Minister Yeo also explained the ROK’s domestic efforts to increase the participation of youth in the policy-making process by enacting the “Framework Act on Youth” and its  international efforts to promote YPS including leading the adoption of the “Youth, Disarmament and Non-proliferation” resolution at the UN General Assembly. He stressed that, in this regard, the ROK co-sponsored the ARF Statement on Youth, Peace and Security, which will be adopted at the 28th ARF Foreign Ministers’ Meeting.


o In addition, Deputy Minister Yeo highlighted that the ROK will host a “United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial” in Seoul this year to enhance its contribution to peacekeeping operations.


3. The participating countries exchanged views on regional issues including the situations on the Korean Peninsula as well as in Myanmar and the South China Sea.


o Regarding the situation on the Korean Peninsula, Deputy Minister Yeo stated that the ROK-U.S. Summit in May renewed the momentum for resuming dialogue with the DPRK and that the ROK will continue its efforts for the complete denuclearization and the establishment of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula.


- Furthermore, he asked the ARF to continue to render its support for substantial progress toward the complete denuclearization and the establishment of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula, as well as to send a concerted message urging the resumption of dialogue for peaceful progress on denuclearization.


o On Myanmar, Deputy Minister Yeo mentioned that the ROK supports ASEAN’s inclusive and constructive role in addressing the issue, including through the “five point consensus” reached at the ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting in April. He also noted that the ROK will continue to work together with the international community for the prompt implementation of the consensus as well as the restoration of democracy, peace and stability in Myanmar.


o Regarding the South China Sea, Deputy Minister Yeo emphasized that it is important to ensure peace and stability in the South China Sea and to maintain the rules-based maritime order, with such principles as the freedom of navigation and overflight respected.


4. Deputy Minister Yeo explained that the ROK is strengthening harmonious cooperation between its New Southern Policy and other regional cooperation initiatives based on the principles of openness, inclusivity, and transparency in order to enhance its contribution to the peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.


5. The participating countries shared their view that the role of the ARF focused on confidence building and preventive diplomacy is important in the face of growing uncertainties due to COVID-19 and emerging non-traditional security threats, and agreed to work together to strengthen the role of the ARF.