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Press Releases

ROK-France Policy Dialogue on Southeast Asia and ASEAN


1. The “ROK-France Policy Dialogue on Southeast Asia and ASEAN” aimed at strengthening cooperation between Korea’s New Southern Policy and the French Strategy in the Indo-Pacific was held from 15:00 to 16:30, July 1. The Head of Delegation for the Korean side was Mr. Park Jae-kyung, Director-General for ASEAN and Southeast Asian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Head of Delegation for the French side was Mr. Bertrand Lortholary, Director for Asia and Oceania of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.


o With a number of European countries showing growing interest in strengthening its relationship with the Indo-Pacific region recently, the dialogue was held as the French side showed interest in cooperation between Korea’s New Southern Policy and the French Strategy in the Indo-Pacific.


o The ROK and France have shared their interest in exploring cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region including ASEAN, on several occasions including the telephone conversation between Foreign Ministers last March.


2. During the dialogue, both sides agreed to pursue close consultation and cooperation based on their shared support for inclusive regional cooperation and people-centered regional peace and prosperity, under basic principles and values such as multilateralism, liberalism and democracy.


o The Korean side explained its policy priorities in the ASEAN region, in particular the New Southern Policy and the seven priority areas of cooperation (public health, infrastructure, future industry, non-traditional security, etc.) underlined in the New Southern Policy Plus, which was developed under the COVID-19 situation.


o The French side recognized that the ROK’s New Southern Policy and the French Strategy share a lot of commonalities in their approach to the region, and expected that the cooperation with the ROK will be strengthened as it expands its regional cooperation, including by strengthening ASEAN-France partnership and preparing the European Union (EU) Strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.


3. Both sides also shared perspectives on regional developments in Southeast Asia including Myanmar and the Mekong sub-region.


o Regarding the situation in Myanmar, both sides urged the immediate cessation of violence and the restoration of democracy in Myanmar, and agreed to continue their efforts for the restoration of democracy, peace and stability in Myanmar.


o Both sides also recognized the importance of strengthening cooperation with the Mekong region in order to support sustainable development of Mekong countries and bridging of the development gap within ASEAN.


4. The Korean government has held Policy Dialogue on Southeast Asia and ASEAN in order to enhance cooperation between the New Southern Policy and regional cooperative initiatives of major countries, including the United States and Australia. Today’s dialogue was held in the same context, which is the first dialogue to be held with France, in order to enhance mutual understanding on respective policies. Based on today’s discussion, both sides will continue their consultation to explore regional cooperation between Korea and France, and furthermore, the European Union.