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Press Releases

ROK-U.S.-Japan Trilateral Consultation on DPRK


1. Amb. Noh Kyu-duk, Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs, held a trilateral consultation on the DPRK on June 21 with Amb. Sung Kim, U.S. Special Representative for the DPRK, and Mr. Funakoshi Takehiro, Director-General of the Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

2. At the first face-to-face meeting since the appointment of U.S. Special Representative Kim, the ROK, U.S. and Japanese chief negotiators for the North Korean nuclear issue took note of the close coordination of the three countries throughout the U.S. DPRK policy review process after the inauguration of the Biden administration, and agreed to continue cooperation for the early resumption of dialogue with the DPRK to make substantive progress in the complete denuclearization and the establishment of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula.