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Press Releases

2021 P4G Seoul Summit Green Future Week (May 24- May 29) Kicks Off


□ The Korean government hosted the Opening of the Green Future Week on May 24 (Mon.) as the official event marking the beginning of the 2021 P4G Seoul Summit scheduled for May 30 to May 31. 

 ㅇ The Green Future Week Opening, featuring ▲‘The Voice of the Future Urging Climate Action’ (video), ▲Congratulatory Remarks by the National Assembly Speaker, ▲Opening Remarks by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Environment, and ▲'Our Promise for Climate Action,' was held at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) in Seoul for 20 minutes from 19:30 to 19:50 on May 24.

□ The opening video titled ‘The Voice of the Future Urging Climate Action’ featured children and  youth urging everyone’s action to build a green future.

ㅇ Six participants (children, teenagers, and  youth) highlighted the urgency for carbon neutrality by emphasizing that we are facing the last opportunity to start the transition to a sustainable society.

□ Responding to the voice of the future, Speaker of the National Assembly Park Byeong-seog said in his video message that “2050 carbon neutrality is a path we must pursue to leave a green Earth to our next generation” and that “The National Assembly will work on solidifying legal and institutional frameworks to respond to climate change.”

ㅇ Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong said in his opening remarks that the international society is at an opportune moment to “act now for our green future.” He added, “The Green Future sessions will allow us to share innovative and cutting-edge solutions, come up with creative ideas, and engage with the emerging generation of future leaders.”

ㅇ Environment Minister Han Jeoung-ae said in her following opening remarks that “The discussions during the Green Future Week will direct our path towards 2050 carbon neutrality goals.” She added that the Ministry of Environment will “strive to build the foundation for carbon neutrality, with 2021 as the milestone year for its implementation.”

□ The congratulatory message and opening remarks were followed by ‘Our Promise for Climate Action,’ the last event of the Green Future Week Opening in which participants virtually shared their green promises.

 ㅇ ‘Our Promise for Climate Action’ aimed to convey everyone’s promise towards climate action as a response to ’The Voice of the Future Urging Climate Action.’ More than 100 participants including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Environment, and representatives of businesses, civil society, and future generations* showed their commitment messages on the screen, promising to take climate action.

   * (Business) Kim Hyung-soo, Treeplanet CEO (Civil Society) Vandana Shiva, International Forum on Globalization (IFG) Leader and Board Member (Future Generation) Park Seo-jung, student

□ Following the Opening, the Green Future Week will begin, featuring a total of 10 special sessions reflecting the ongoing global dialogue and climate and environment, as well as Korea’s recent policy interests. The Green Future Week is designed to seek ways to achieve “inclusive green recovery for carbon neutrality,” the theme of the 2021 P4G Seoul Summit.

ㅇ All programs of the Summit including the Green Future Week Opening will be available for viewing at the 2021 P4G Seoul Summit Virtual Venue, which anyone can easily access via the official Summit website.
    * 2021 P4G Seoul Summit Official Website: 2021p4g-seoulsummit.kr

Annex. Photos of the Green Future Week Opening