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Press Releases

Korea and Mexico Engage in Defense and Patriots and Veterans Affairs Diplomacy


- Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Jong Kun attended the Independence Merit Award ceremony and the launch ceremony of the Korean War Veterans Association in Mexico as the last schedule of his visit to Latin America –


1. During his visit to Mexico from April 23 to 24, Vice Minister Choi Jong Kun attended the Independence Merit Award ceremony on April 23 and the launch ceremony of the Korean War Veterans Association in Mexico on April 24 as the last schedule of his visit to Mexico.


2. On the occasion of the Independence Merit Award ceremony on April 23, Vice Minister Choi conveyed his gratitude to the spirit of patriotism of Independence Movement Patriots who devoted themselves in Mexico to the liberation of their home country during the Japanese colonial era. He also expressed the Korean government’s interest and willingness to support overseas Korean people in Mexico.


° On this day, Vice Minister Choi delivered government medals and commendations to the descendants of four Independence Movement Patriots who contributed to the liberation of Korea through fund-raising for the independence movement and led the unity of the Korean community in Mexico during the Japanese colonial era.


* (Summary of Merits) 1) Alfonso Lee Han (National Foundation Medal): Fund-raising for the independence movement, served as President of Mexico City of Korean Kong-Lip Association and Inspector of Mexico City of Korea National Association, 2) Pedro Yu (President’s Commendation): Fund-raising for the independence movement, established Veracruz District of Korea National Association and Korean language school, 3) Richardo Lee Che (President’s Commendation): Fund-raising for the independence movement, served as President of Mexico City of Korean Kong-Lip Association, 4) Simon Kong Lee (President’s Commendation): Fund-raising for the independence movement, served as President of Executive Committee of Coatzacoalcos District of Korea National Association


° In a congratulatory speech, Vice Minister Choi said that the dedication and longing of the Korean ancestors in Mexico for the independence of Korea was the driving force that united us as a whole and ultimately contributed to achieving independence of Korea. He further promised that the Korean government will continue to provide support for the Korean descendants in Mexico.


3. On April 24, the launch ceremony of the Korean War Veterans Association in Mexico was held in the presence of Defense Minister of Mexico Luis Cresencio Sandoval. The ceremony commemorated the courage and dedication of Mexican veterans who fought in the Korean War 71 years ago under the United States Armed Forces.


° On the occasion of the ceremony, Vice Minister Choi delivered the Ambassador for Peace Medals to four Mexican veterans* who fought in the Korean War as members of the United States Army.

* José Villarreal Villarreal, Roberto Sierra Barbosa, Alberto Fernández Almada and Jesus Cantu’ Salinas.


° In his congratulatory speech, Vice Minister Choi introduced the background and merits of four Mexican veterans and commented that Korea has become the world's 10th largest economy today due to the sacrifices of the Mexican veterans in the Korean War, which have been forgotten for the past 70 years. He expressed his deep appreciation for their noble sacrifice and contribution.


- Vice Minister Choi also promised that the Korean government will continue its efforts to find more Mexican Korean War veterans and their descendants to honor their contributions.


The Korean War Veterans Association in Mexico (April 24, 2021)

- During the Korean War, more than 100,000 Mexican nationals or Mexican Americans fought in the Korean War as members of the U.S. Army.


- Since a ‘Latin Plaza’ lecture in Seoul (June 24, 2020) held by the Latin American and Caribbean Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea, the Korean government has conducted a project to find Korean War veterans in Mexico, and confirmed survival of the four veterans who attended the launch ceremony of the Korean War Veterans Association in Mexico. The Korean government supported the establishment of the Korean War Veterans Association in Mexico.

José Villarreal Villarreal (President): born in 1930, joined the U.S. Army, participated in the Incheon Landing Operation and the Seoul Restoration Operation during the Korean War in 1950

Roberto Sierra Barbosa (Vice President): born in 1930, joined the U.S. Marine, participated in four major battles as a signaller during the Korean War

Alberto Fernández Almada: born in 1930, during the U.S. Military service in Japan, was deployed to Korea immediately after the outbreak of the Korean War and participated in important battles in the Korean War

Jesus Cantu’ Salinas: joined the U.S. Army at the age of 17, participated in major battles in the Korean War from 1951 to 1953


The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs of Korea delivered 10,000 face masks to the Korean War Veterans Association in Mexico on the occasion of the launch ceremony.


4. In addition, Vice Minister Choi had a bilateral meeting with Defense Minister Sandoval on the occasion of the launch ceremony. Given the upcoming 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Mexico next year, both sides appreciated the outcomes achieved in economic and trade cooperation between the two nations. Furthermore, they agreed to promote cooperation including high-level exchanges in defense and veterans affairs between the two countries, while working together for developing their bilateral relations for the next 60 years.