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Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Jong Kun Begins his Official Schedule in Costa Rica - Courtesy Visits to President and Foreign Minister of Costa Rica and Korea-Costa Rica Vice Minister-Level Policy Consultation


1. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Jong Kun, who is visiting Costa Rica, one of the most environment-friendly countries in Latin America, from April 20 to 22, had an opportunity on April 21 to seek a new vision for post-COVID-19 cooperation between Korea and Costa Rica for economic recovery and sustainable growth.

° Vice Minister Choi paid courtesy visits to President Carlos Alvarado and Foreign Minister Rodolfo Solano of Costa Rica and held the 4th Korea-Costa Rica High-level Policy Consultation with Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Adriana Bolaños.

2. During the courtesy visit to President Alvarado, Vice Minister Choi delivered special greetings from President Moon Jae-in and suggested that both countries further strengthen their ties of friendship and cooperation on the basis of the bonds created between the two Presidents through their successful telephone conversation in January, in order to prepare for the next 60 years, as the year 2022 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

° Vice Minister Choi proposed creating a nexus between the Green New Deal Policy of Korea and the Decarbonization Policy of Costa Rica to achieve the common goal of post-COVID-19 economic recovery.

° President Alvarado reaffirmed his unwavering support for the peace process on the Korean Peninsula and expressed his gratitude to Korea for providing COVID-19 relief supplies as well as for pursuing development cooperation projects. He also asked for close attention of Korean companies to upcoming green infrastructure projects such as those regarding railroads and transport in Costa Rica.

※ The First Lady of Costa Rica accompanied President Alvarado during the courtesy visit, which was unprecedented, and exchanged views with Vice Minister Choi heart to heart.

3. During the courtesy visit to Foreign Minister Solano, Vice Minister Choi noted with appreciation that both countries have been maintaining cooperation through active high-level exchanges despite the COVID-19 situation as friendly countries that share universal values such as democracy, respect for human rights and the protection of environment.

° Foreign Minister Solano expressed his hope to cooperate with Korea, mentioning that the Central American region was facing various challenges such as the restoration of democracy and the strengthening of institutions, and proposed that both countries draw up a new joint vision of cooperation as they mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations next year.

※ Right after the courtesy visit, the Korean delegation awarded Foreign Minister Solano a Gwanghwa Medal, a first-grade award of the Order of Diplomatic Service Merit, in recognition of his meritorious service and contribution to the development of bilateral relations during his tenure as Ambassador to Korea from 2015 to 2019.

4. In addition, Vice Minister Choi held the 4th High-level Policy Consultation with Vice Minister Bolaños and exchanged views on promoting substantive cooperation in the areas of trade and investment, health and medicine, and science and technology, among others, in order to overcome the COVID-19 crisis as well as for post-COVID-19 economic recovery.

° In particular, the two Vice Ministers agreed to continue high-level exchanges and explore cooperation projects in areas where the two countries have advantages such as digital transformation, decarbonization and the bio-industry, to achieve economic recovery and transform the industrial structure in the post-COVID-19 era.

5. Vice Minister Choi also visited the University for Peace, an institution of higher education established by the UN in Costa Rica, and gave a lecture to students about the need to resolve the structural conflicts on the Korean Peninsula and establish an “active peace” to ensure peace in the daily lives of the people of the two Koreas.

※ University for Peace: An institution of higher education created by a UN General Assembly resolution in 1980