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Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Holds 6th Korea-EU High-level Political Dialogue


1. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Jong Kun held the 6th Korea-European Union (EU) high-level political dialogue in a virtual format with Mr. Enrique Mora Benavente, Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs of the European External Action Service (EEAS), from 16:30 to 18:00, December 11. In the Dialogue, the two sides discussed the Korea-EU Strategic Partnership; cooperation in cybersecurity, crisis management, and counterterrorism; cooperation on COVID-19 and response to climate change; and situations in such regions as the Korean Peninsula, the Middle East and Europe.

2. The two sides noted with appreciation that Korea and the EU have continued to strengthen the institutional foundation for cooperation by operating regular consultative mechanisms in various fields based on the three key agreements. In addition, with this year marking the 10th anniversary of the Korea-EU Strategic Partnership, the two sides agreed to actively seek mutually-beneficial cooperation in areas with great potential for cooperation, including green economy, response to climate change, digital economy, and public health.


o Vice Minister Choi welcomed that even amid the COVID-19 pandemic this year, the two sides are continuing robust high-level communication including the Korea-EU Leaders’ video conference meeting in June, and expressed hope that the two sides would lead the international community’s efforts to respond to major challenges, including response to climate change and carbon neutrality, as major international events, including the Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G) Summit to be held in Korea, will take place next year.


- Vice Minister Choi also asked for the EU’s interest and active participation in the P4G Summit.


o Deputy Secretary General Mora hoped that the EU would bring about a positive change for stability and prosperity around the world by deepening the Strategic Partnership with Korea, the EU’s key cooperation partner in Asia.


3. The two sides also exchanged views on ways for Korea and the EU to cooperate on global security affairs in order to promote regional peace and stability. Deputy Secretary General Mora expressed the EU’s commitment to enhancing security cooperation with Asian countries including Korea. Vice Minister Choi suggested that the two sides contribute to global peace and stability through continued expansion of cooperation in crisis management including Operation Atalanta, a counter-piracy operation, as well as cybersecurity and counterterrorism.


4. In addition, the two sides shared their assessments of the current situation on the Korean Peninsula and prospects, and discussed ways to collaborate in achieving denuclearization and establishing permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. Vice Minister Choi requested the EU’s continued support and constructive role in the Korean Peninsula peace process, and Deputy Secretary General Mora stressed that the EU is committed to playing necessary roles and making contributions in promoting peace on the Korean Peninsula.


o The two sides also exchanged views on the situations in major regions including Europe, the Middle East, and the U.S. and agreed to actively seek constructive ways of cooperation in the changing diplomatic landscape including the launch of the new U.S. administration.


5. Furthermore, the two sides shared the COVID-19 situation in Korea and Europe, and agreed to contribute jointly to the international community’s efforts to ensure universal and equitable distribution of vaccines. Vice Minister Choi noted that the two sides are taking an active part in the international cooperation including the COVAX Facility, and asked for European countries’ interest and participation in the International Vaccine Institute (IVI) based in Seoul.


o Deputy Secretary General Mora commended Korea’s achievements in COVID-19 response, and suggested that Korea and the EU continue to work closely together in strengthening the global health governance including the World Health Organization (WHO).


6. The 6th high-level political dialogue served as a good opportunity for Korea and the EU, Korea’s key diplomatic partner in Europe, to discuss ways to enhance collaboration in the new global landscape after COVID-19 and strengthen strategic communication on the situations on the Korean Peninsula and in other major regions.


o Following the Korea-Italy Strategic Dialogue on October 30 and the Korea-Spain Strategic Dialogue on December 3, Vice Minister Choi held the high-level political dialogue today with the EU representing 27 European countries, which shows the Korean government’s commitment to strengthen diplomacy with Europe.