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Press Releases

Minister of Foreign Affairs Delivers Address and Participates in Discussion at Asia Society’s Virtual Seminar


1. Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang, Kyung-wha attended a virtual seminar hosted by the Asia Society based in New York, the United States, at 9 a.m., September 25 (Korea Standard Time), and delivered an address under the theme “the Republic of Korea's response to COVID-19 and how the pandemic has changed the global landscape for the country.”


o Minister Kang’s address was followed by her virtual discussion with the host (Asia Society Policy Institute's Vice President Daniel Russel) and a Q&A session with the online audience.


o The event which took place on the occasion of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly at the invitation of the Asia Society was held in a virtual format due to the COVID-19 situation.


2. Regarding the ROK’s response to COVID-19, Minister Kang explained that the country had recently experienced a second wave, but the rate of increase is slowing down based on its strong 3T (Testing, Tracing, and Treatment) capacity.


o In particular, Minister Kang, stressing that the most important thing in crisis response is trust between the government and citizens, said that the ROK government has coped with COVID-19 based on the principles of openness, transparency, civic activism, and innovativeness.


o In addition, Minister Kang explained that the ROK government has been exerting efforts to maintain the essential movement of people even amid the pandemic, and added that facilitating essential travel is not only necessary for recovering the economy damaged by COVID-19, but will also serve as building blocks in restoring global solidarity.


3. In particular, Minister Kang noted that while the crisis of multilateralism in the international community is clearly revealed due to COVID-19, such transnational crises as COVID-19, in fact, teaches us the need for international solidarity and cooperation, and said that the ROK will continue to contribute actively to revitalizing multilateralism.


o Minister Kang emphasized that amid fierce competition among great powers, the role of competent middle-power countries is crucial in restoring and reinforcing multilateralism, and went on to say that the ROK will continue expanding solidarity among like-minded middle-power countries sharing universal values, including democracy, market economy, and human rights.


4. Furthermore, Minister Kang said that the ROK-U.S. alliance is not only the linchpin of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia, but also the anchor of the ROK’s foreign and security policy, and explained that the ROK and the U.S. have been closely cooperating since immediately after the outbreak of COVID-19, including by providing masks in emergency assistance, exporting testing kits, and holding a seminar to share the ROK’s experience in election.


o Minister Kang particularly mentioned that while the whole world is imposing entry bans and restrictions, the fact that the ROK and the U.S. continue to open their borders to each other and do not implement any entry restrictions is very exceptional and demonstrates the special ROK-U.S. relations.


5. On the death of an ROK fisheries official, Minister Kang said that the ROK government condemns the shocking and inhumane act of the North Korean military, and urged Pyongyang to thoroughly investigate the crime and punish the perpetrators.


o Regarding complete denuclearization and the establishment of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula, Minister Kang said that the ROK, in close collaboration with the U.S. and neighboring countries, will continue efforts in pursuing them, and asked for support from the international community. She also introduced the ROK government’s proposal on a “Northeast Asia Cooperation Initiative for Infectious Disease Control and Public Health” joined by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the People's Republic of China, Japan, Mongolia, and the ROK.


6. The event was broadcast live through YouTube and Facebook, and Minister Kang, through a Q&A session with the online audience, directly answered their questions and communicated with them.


o The event served as an opportunity to increase people’s understanding of the ROK’s foreign policy in the post-COVID-19 era through two-way interaction with viewers who are interested in the ROK’s diplomacy.