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Press Releases

Outcome of Video Consultation between Deputy Minister for Political Affairs and Vice Foreign Minister of China


1. Mr. Kim Gunn, Deputy Minister for Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, had a video consultation with Mr. Luo Zhaohui, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, on the afternoon of July 23 and discussed cooperation on COVID-19 response as well as matters of mutual interest, including the Republic of Korea-People’s Republic of China relations and issues on the Korean Peninsula.

2. The two sides took note of their countries’ response to and cooperation on COVID-19 and discussed ways to work more closely together.

° Deputy Minister Kim and Vice Minister Luo shared their two countries’ recent achievements in disease prevention and control as well as the progress in their social and economic normalization efforts.

° The two sides also agreed to work closely together to boost people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, including by expanding and reinforcing the fast-track procedure, increasing air flights, and expanding exceptional entries for more people, including students, on humanitarian grounds.

3. The two sides also agreed to continue communication on each level in a bid for the ROK and China to overcome together difficulties triggered by the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic and thereby to take their bilateral relations to a higher level.

° The two sides agreed to continue consultations on carrying out exchanges on high levels as well as other levels in the second half of the year, while closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation.

4. The two sides, sharing assessments of the recent developments on the Korean Peninsula, reaffirmed the two countries’ commitment to close cooperation for substantive progress in the Korean Peninsula peace process.

5. The video consultation is seen to have served as an opportunity to continue high-level communication between the ROK and China amid the prolonged COVID-19 situation and discuss practical ways for the development of the bilateral relations.