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Press Releases

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Forms Arctic Club in Korea with Embassies in ROK


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched the “Arctic Club in Korea” to facilitate Arctic cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the seven Arctic states*, and as its first event, Ambassador for Arctic Affairs Kwon Sei-joong hosted a working luncheon for the Ambassadors of the seven Arctic states on January 22.


* the United States, the Russian Federation, Canada, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Denmark, and the Kingdom of Sweden (the Republic of Iceland has no diplomatic mission in the ROK)


o The “Arctic Club in Korea” is an informal forum for exchanges initiated by the Foreign Ministry to have quarterly meetings with ambassadors of the seven Arctic states in the ROK and have free and candid discussions on ways to work together, and thereby strengthen the effectiveness of the ROK government’s policies for bilateral and multilateral Arctic cooperation.


2. During the working luncheon, Ambassador Kwon discussed ways to promote Arctic cooperation between the ROK and Arctic states; shared views on the serious impact of global environmental pollution in the Arctic, including climate change and marine pollution, as well as ways to respond to them; and explained the ROK government’s Arctic policies and plans for Arctic-related activities.


o Furthermore, Ambassador Kwon said that although the “Arctic Club in Korea” will be held informally, regular dialogues on Arctic cooperation with ambassadors from Arctic states in the ROK will facilitate setting the agenda and strengthen cooperation in holding and participating in official bilateral Arctic consultations and international Arctic forums.


3. Starting with today’s luncheon, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will organize other events, including a visit to the Korea Polar Research Institute and a tour of the icebreaking research vessel Araon as well as other cultural events. Such occasions will help ambassadors from the seven Arctic states to better understand the ROK’s Arctic-related activities and contribution in the area, and continue to work towards close Arctic cooperation between the ROK and Arctic states.