1. Amb. Lee Do-hoon, Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs, will visit the European Union’s headquarters in Brussels, the Kingdom of Belgium, from January 29 to 30 at the invitation of the EU, and attend the EU Political and Security Committee (PSC) meeting and meet with Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Helga Schmid.
o During the visit, Special Representative Lee will exchange views with members of the EU on the current situation on the Korean Peninsula and the direction of the ROK government’s North Korea policy. He will also explain to the new EU leadership ways for the ROK and the EU to cooperate to achieve complete denuclearization and establish permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula.
2. In addition, Special Representative Lee will visit Berlin, the Federal Republic of Germany, from January 30 to February 1, and meet with Minister of State of the Federal Foreign Office Niels Annen, and Director General for Asia and the Pacific of the Federal Foreign Office Petra Sigmund.
During the visit to Germany, Special Representative Lee will explain the ROK
government’s efforts towards complete denuclearization and the establishment of
permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula to the German side, which, as a key
partner in the EU as well as a member of the UN Security Council, is making an
important contribution in handling the North Korean nuclear issue. The two
sides will also discuss ways the ROK and Germany can work together.