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21st Meeting Takes Place between ROK and Chinese Directors-General for Consular Affairs


1. The 21st Republic of Korea (ROK)-People's Republic of China meeting of directors-general for consular affairs took place at the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Seoul, on October 18, 2019, co-chaired by Mr. Byun Chul-hwan, Director-General for Overseas Koreans and Consular Affairs, and Mr. Cui Aimin, Director-General of the Department of Consular Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


2. During the meeting, the two sides discussed various consular issues, including ways to improve the visa systems of the two countries, to step up cooperation in the event of large-scale incidents and accidents and in promoting convenience of respective nationals in each other’s countries, and to strengthen the cooperative system between the governments of the two countries to maintain the fisheries order.


° (Improving the visa system) The two sides, agreeing on the need to improve their visa systems, shared the understanding that the two countries need to introduce new institutions, such as a revised bilateral “Agreement on the Simplification of Visa Procedures and the Issuance of Multiple Entry Visas” or a new agreement on multiple entry visas, that take into account the reality of huge volume of people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.


° (Strengthening cooperation in the event of large-scale incidents and accidents) The two sides shared the view that the two countries need to respond jointly to large-scale incidents and accidents by building a channel for close cooperation and agreed to work together at all times.


° (Maintaining the fisheries order) The two sides noted with appreciation that the fisheries order on the east and west coasts has recently been improved by efforts of the two countries’ governments and agreed to work together for this trend to continue.


- The ROK side asked the Chinese government to continue to step up guidance and crackdowns in order to prevent illegal fishing operations by Chinese fishing vessels, and added that the ROK government plans to continue enforcing law in accordance with law and procedures in a bid to avoid obstacles to the development of the bilateral relations.


° (Promoting convenience of the two countries’ nationals in each other’s countries) The two sides agreed to have close consultations to seek measures, such as an agreement on mutual recognition of driver’s licenses and reduced consular verification fees, in order to promote convenience of the two countries’ nationals in each other’s countries.


3. The two sides took note of the meeting as a useful opportunity to discuss ways to step up consular cooperation between the two countries. They also shared the understanding that substantial consular cooperation will help promote exchanges between people of the two countries and will serve as a foundation for cooperation in a range of areas, including political and social affairs, economy and culture.


4. The two sides agreed to hold the 22nd ROK-China meeting of directors-general for consular affairs in China at an appropriate time in 2020.